Welcome to Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/Shelter, Inc.

Coop & Corey

   • Surrendered to the Shelter on June 3, 2006.
   • They found a forever home July 14, 2006!

   • Coop is a silver male.
   • Corey is a badger male.

September 3, 2006:
  Morning !! The boys have some news to share with you...

  Auntie Brenda, Auntie Brenda, you won't believe what mama gave us, we is kings in the castle now. We gots to move from our little house to live in Otter Bobs condo!! Wow, we has gots soooooo much room, we don't know where to sleep or which bowl of food or water to drink out of first. We think that Otter Bob was spoiled a bit, but we gots to get out of our house for a second romping last night. Mama and Papa , we heard dem whisering that we might get to be the new kids that fill that spoiled Otter Bobs out time. Man he was out a lot and We are loving it!!... Mama says we have to be good and keep our noses in our new house, or we will be victed what ever that means.... Mama took a picture for you, you will see me (Coop) lounging in the second story loft, brother Corey is buried in a blankie somewhere in here, but it would take me too long to find him in here. We loves you Auntie Brenda, Corey and Coop.
  Poor Corey didn't get a word in edgewise in that one and he is the rambunctious one!!