Welcome to Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/Shelter, Inc.


   • Surrendered to the Shelter on February 4, 2025. She found a Forever Home February 28, 2025!
   • Millie is a silver female.

   • Read about how she arrived at the Shelter by clicking here, or read her latest updates below.

February 28, 2025:
  Tom left with Millie today!



Initial Contact, January 5, 2025:
Happy New Year. I wanted to let you know I am ready to move Millie when you are. After seeing your home and the care you give I feel good about this. Looking at my schedule now I honestly feel it's the right time and better for her overall. With the upcoming schedule changes and prepping for school it's just better that I do this now rather than wait.

Shelter Response:
  I'm pleased you feel we can care and love her. Our January calendar is full, we can shoot for a day in February, I expect you will need to bring her on a weekend. All the Saturdays in February are clear at this time. Let us know what day and time you would like to surrender her.

Owner Response: The best days for us would actually be Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, since my mom works on Saturdays. Would an afternoon on any of those days in the first week of February work? Thank you -Tori

Shelter Response: Good morning Tori, I forgot your Mom works on Saturdays. Any one of those days work, afternoon is fine as long as it is before 4. Let me know I'll get you and Millie on the calendar.

January 8, Owner Response: Hi again, My mom said there was a family that you thought might be interested in adopting, and that she was communicating with you about that. I wanted to check in to see if anything new has come up, or if we should still pick a date in that first week of February.

Shelter Response: Hi Tori. Yes your Mom and were discussing the possibility of Millie having a home. At this point that is still up in the air. So we should set a date for you and Mom to bring her.

January 24, Owner Response: Okay, does the first week of February still work for you? We could do Tuesday or Thursday at 2.

Shelter Response: Both of those days are open, let me know which day works better for you and Mom, let me know so I can put you on the calendar. 2pm works.

January 28, Shelter Response:I'm still waiting for you to choose a day so I can put you on the calendar.

Owner Response: I’m so sorry, I thought I had responded already. The 4th at 2 works best. Thank you