Master Largo News & Possum's Rants ![]() |
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters,
We want to share our new veterinarian Dr. Dana and the new boy Artoo with you. Dr. Dana is the closest we could get to O.F.D. Dr. Dana is filling O.F.D. shoes swimmingly, we are including a picture of Dr. Dana and Artoo after his checkup.
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters,
We had a grand day yesterday, March 23, R.I.T. students with the silver wings organization came to help. Wow we had 9 of them here. They helped get the summer furniture out of the garage, washed it down then came into the shelter to help. We had a great time following and playing with the students. Chasing the broom as they swept the floors.
Mum says we are blessed that so many come to help take care of us.
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters,
It has been a busy busy month! New volunteers, and ferret adoptions. Miss Tina took two of our shelter ferrets home with her, they have a new 4-ever home. Bobbit and Draco left for their new home February 27, 2025! Thanks Miss Tina for taking them home to love and care for.
We had new volunteers join us last Saturday to help Mum get some things done around here. They came from Rochester Institute of Technology; alpha Kappa Delta Phi International Sorority, Inc.There were 6 wonderful ladies that not only did the duties Mum had on the white board but spent time with us and loved on us. They got a lot done!
Miss Anny H. Vice President Service reached out to Mum to see if they could come to Naples to help Mum and hang out with us. We had a wonderful time when they were here. Mum took a picture of the group holding us before they left for home. Thanks ladies for spending time with us!
Mocha - shelter reporter

2024 News:
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters! We had new volunteers drop by last week. Scout troop 60306, 5 young ladies and 2 leaders. They walked in with arm loads of donations, then they spent 2 hours learning about and playing with some ferrets along with helping with duties. The duties they did for us were mixing food, separating papers, and taping up the holes in the plastic bags we reuse.
Thank you troop 6030 for helpen Mum take care of us! - Mocha
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters,
We would like to share more of our volunteers with you. This time the volunteers that take care of our property. Miss Donna comes weekly to make our property look awesome. Then we have the "as needed" volunteers. Mr. Bill works in tandem with Miss Donna while Miss Donna recuperated from surgery. Miss Janette is our treasure, she records and reports weekly the donations that come in. Mum says we are blessed to have so many volunteers that work with us. - Mocha
We would like to share some of our volunteers with you. Allison and Stephan come to volunteer once a month. As you can see they graduated from high school this last June. Maria and Matias came to check out the shelter and to do what they could to help. Mum says we are blessed to have so many to volunteer with us!
This is Ester, 9 YO holding Aurora, she and her Dad come to help when Dad has Friday's off....A great Dad and daughter team. Antonio is our far away volunteer, he helps get the pictures for our shelter calendar, sized and clarity for the printer. Antonio lives in Brazil, he's holding a friends ferrets.
Then there is Skylar, she comes to help every other Tuesday. Skylar steam mops our floors, helps Mum do things she she has difficulty doing at times. She's holding Scooter. Mum says we are blessed to have so many to volunteer work with us.
2023 News:
October 29, 2023:
Sigma Psi Zeta Sorority, Inc. | Alpha Lambda Chapter FA'22 |
Rochester Institute of Technology students spent the day with us on October 29, 2023. These ladies helped us get the summer furniture put away in the garage for winter, mixed ferret food, sorted the ferret toys, putting the ones that needed to be washed into a laundry bag, and the ones in disrepair thrown away.
We enjoy their time with us, and the assistance they give while they are here. The ferrets love to help them help us. Thank you ladies!
June 10, 2023:
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters! We want you to meet our newest volunteers. Their parents bring them to Naples to help us out weekly. Mum took this picture of them last Saturday. Mum puts the jobs that need doing on the white board, each of them pick a chore to complete. When they finish the list Mum lets them hang out with us, they usually get the last 1/2 hour to play with us before they leave. Mum says they are a great help to her and we love hanging out with them.
June 10, 2023: Clinic day went great! Miss Donna got here first. Mum shut down the kitchen, porch, library, and ferret room, for easy flow to the shelter main room putting morning shift away and getting 2 night shift cage groups up. We were down 1 play area because Miss Mary B had 2 of her new fur kids in that room. They were ferrets that we were asked to take but we declined because our shelter is full. Mum reached out to Miss Mary to see if she would take them. The two fur Kids got a home.
Our volunteers kept Mum from running, Miss Tina and Miss Donna stepped into Mum's shoes. Mr. Brandon came to spend the day with us again this year, he kept Mum from falling on her nose several times, literally. Miss Kris sat in the X-pen with shelter fur kids that Miss Tina brought out to have some time to enjoy the outside with humans, Miss Tina also clipped nails. Miss Myla and her friend Stella also helped clip nails.
Miss Mary Ellen took pictures of the raffle winners, she also helped Mr.Tom with the raffle ticket table. Miss Mary B. ran the raffle, Miss Myla helped her by pulling the tickets. We had a new family join us this year, Miss Bre also took pictures of our day. Her daughter Sunny wants to volunteer with us.
Our Favorite Doc (OFD) came into the shelter to check us shelter ferrets, OFD helped Hyde cross over Rainbow Bridge, the mass on his left side was inoperable. Bear and Tigger have a mass on their spleen that can be removed if it has not materialized. Mum got a text from OFD at 4 Saturday afternoon if she can get the two to Brockport at noon on Thursday the 8th OFD will do an x-ray, if the masses can be removed he will do the surgery then. Mum's text answer was she will make it work, see you Thursday afternoon.
The day was perfect, warm and breezy perfect for ferrets and humans alike. We had another new family join us, Miss Mary Z and her daughter. Allison one of our regular volunteers came to be a runner for Mum, she and Sunny hit it off nicely. When Barbra Z. came to pick up Miss Allison, we invited her to join us for lunch, she accepted she sat with Mum to visit while she ate.
After raffle tickets were picked, prizes collected the volunteer crew started putting things away, Mr. Mike got all of Mum's garden equipment put back in the garage, pens, canopies, blankets picked up, things tore down and put away. The property has no evidence we had an event on Saturday. We are blessed to have so many volunteers make events like clinic day go well!
April 29, 2023: Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters! Boy did we have a very busy day April 29th 2023.
The fall 18 Delta Class Alpha Lambda Charter came to our shelter to help with things that needed doing. Mum says we are so blessed to have them come to help. They work hard and are fun to be around.
We had 4 of our regular volunteers here as well. Miss Molly and Miss Melissa worked in the shelter while Mum, Miss Tina and Mr. Tom worked outside with the students. Miss Molly and Miss Melissa come to help every week so Mum felt comfortable leaving them in the shelter while everyone else was outside doing things. Mum had a list of things that needed to be done. Miss Tina and Mr. Tom came to help supervise things, Mum directed and answered questions as needed. The inside crew got here at 9 am, the supervisors got here at 10:30, the students got here at 11. There were 8 students that came to work hard and get dirty with clean up. The day was damp and cool perfect to work in.
There were 10 assorted cages that came in over the fall and winter, all donations. The cages needed to be stretch wrapped, some needed to be put together, before wrapping. 4 students worked on wrapping cages, 2 other students worked on putting cages together, Mr. Tom collected the pieces and parts so they were all together for assembly. Once the cages are covered they are stored up in our big barn. Miss Tina drove the lawn tractor with the flatbed attached, we put the covered cages on the flatbed to be taken to the barn. 2 students walk behind the flatbed to be sure the cage stays on.
Once the students had the cages out of the garage and up to the barn, they started bringing the summer furniture out to the lawn. After the garage was empty of summer furniture the students swept the floor and got the leaves that had blown into the garage out. Mum hooked up the garden wagon, the students picked up the leaves put them in the wagon. Mum drove the garden tractor and full wagon out to the garden compost bins. One of the students followed to help unload the leaves into the compost.
Miss Tina and the students filled the second empty wagon, when Mum got back with the empty wagon she traded empty for a full wagon. Mum, Tina and the students did that until they had all the leaves raked, picked up and out to the compost bins. Mum was told the students choose to come to Naples to help because they love to help animals, when they come to Lakeroad Ferret Farm to help we actually get to do things that makes a difference and helps Mum.
Mum was told the students are planning to come each semester. Mum says the students are not only extremely helpful but fun to be around. Mr. Tom handed each of the students a shelter calendar as they were leaving, they were thrilled. Mr. Tom is our benefactor that makes our shelter calendars available to share. After all the jobs on the list were complete, Miss Tina brought the students up to the house to hang with the ferrets before they had to leave. Mum says we are so blessed to have so many that contribute to our success in caring for the ferrets that come through our doors. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for helpen Mum take care of us!
Sinclaire O., Lyric B., Micheala S., Tia S., Erika S., Eliana D., Meagan M., Chenxing W.
April 10, 2023:
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters! We have some news. Mum was invited to speak with the B.O.C.E.S. Animal Science class' Monday April 10. Mum taught both the morning and afternoon class. She took five of us to show us off. Miss Donna came to stay with the rest of the residents at the shelter while Mum was gone.
We had a great time, we got passed around and loved all day long. The teachers even gave us some new toys to play with while we were there.
The day turned out well, Mum spoke to the two classes both had over 35 students. The morning class were seniors, afternoon juniors. Mum got to school early expecting to see the students getting off the bus, fortunately one of the teachers saw Mum sitting in the parking lot. The students were already in class. Two students came out to help unload our stuff from the van. They brought out a cart that carried everything but the bag on wheels. Easy peasy.
The students helped set up the pen, put the blankets and fur kids in it when the pen was ready. At the end of the day tear down was done in reverse by the afternoon students. The class had 4 teachers. Mum said It was a long day but she thinks the students enjoyed the class. A few of the students asked if we could come to class once a week.
The students ask a lot of great questions, they all wanted to hold us. Mum let them pass us around the class while Mum spoke. When class was over, Mum took a class picture, with the students holding us. The students pointed out there were only 5 of us and 30 of them, Mum said she would take multiple pictures so after each picture the students passed us to another student so Mum could take more pictures. That was fun. When we got home Miss Donna put us away, we crashed from exhaustion, that was a really long busy day for us.
We hope you enjoyed our report.
April 9, 2023: Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters, Eenie dropping in to say Happy, Happy, Easter!! We wish for you a warm, sunny day with family and friends. That's me looking for my Easter basket. I got up there all by myself!
March 4, 2023: Mum and Dr. Edwards (OFD) have decided June 3, 2023 will be the day humans and ferrets will congregate in Naples at the shelter for a day with OFD to look us over and give us hurt sticks if needed.(clinic day) Picnic and playtime in the play yard included. Watch for more information as the date gets closer. We hope you will join us in the fun.
February 18, 2023: Oh happy day, another fur kids found his 4-ever family. Mr. Hampton left for his new home February 18, 2023! MaKenzy and Ryan stopped in weeks ago to check out the ferrets looking for a home. Mr. Hampton promptly let them know he picked them to be his human family. After many visits, to be sure Mr. Hampton really wanted to go live with them, and Mum got to know Makenzy and Ryan all parties decided this was a good fit.

January 1, 2024: Happy, Happy New Year from all of us to all of you! We would like to extend our gratitude to all of you that physically help, share our posts, and support our Shelter financially. We are blessed. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
2022 News
We still have a few 2023 calendars available. The year is coming to an end, Christmas is just a few weeks away, our calendar would be a great last minute gift. You can email Mum at Calendars cost $15.00 each, they will be shipped in a priority flat rate envelope, 4 calendars fit into that flat rate envelop; if you with to purchase more than one. Cost of shipping will be based on your location.
November 24, 2022: Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you a day with good food, good friends and a loving family to share it with.
September, 2022: The calendars will be done Wednesday September 14th. Mr. Tom will deliver them to Naples. This is one of the pictures that made it into the calendar. Shy and Max were shelter ferrets, they were adopted in 2019.
Shy just had to see what her Dad was doing with the soapy water, she stuck her head into it; this is how she came out. Dad being the quick thinking Dad he is; got a picture of her with a soap mustache.
If you're interested in supporting our shelter by purchasing a shelter calendar you can email Mum at Calendars cost $15.00 each, they will be shipped in a priority flat rate envelope, 4 calendars fit into that flat rate envelop; if you with to purchase more than one. Cost of shipping will be based on your location.
2023 Calendars! We are going to have a Shelter calendar made again for 2023, and we would like to have the pictures at the printers by the end of September. We would love for you to share your fur kids pictures with us to include in our calendar!
If you would like to showcase your fuzzy in the Shelter calendar, send Mum the picture(s) via email and she will collect them all and see what will work best in the calendar.
June, 2022: Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters. Mum finally got the pictures from clinic day. Miss Mary Ellen took the pictures, sent them to Mum through text. Mum's boys told her how to download them off her cell onto her computer, only they went to the cloud and Mum could not figure out how to access them. Miss Tori got them sent to Mum by Email so she could put them in her picture file. Enough excuses.. I'm doing the clinic update because I was outside getting ready to go with Our Favorite Doc (OFD) to Brockport. OFD had me on the surgery scheduled for Monday morning to remove the Chordoma from the tip of my tail.
The weather was perfect, lots of humans with their ferrets came to enjoy the day, lots of great food to eat, Miss Donna did the grilling. OFD checked out the fur kids that needed to be examined and vaccinated. Miss Mary B. did her usual exceptional job with the raffle table, Melissa helped Miss Mary B. pick the winning raffle tickets. Miss Mary Ellen and Mr Tom sat at the table to sell tickets, shirts and stuff. Melissa was also my runner for the day. If I needed it Melissa got it for me. Brandon made sure that when I walked away from my cane he found it and got it to me.
The day was perfect, the ferrets were happy to go hang in the play yard. Enjoy the pictures!
May, 2022: It's that time of year again! June 11, 2022 Dr. Allen Edwards of the Brockport Animal Hospital is coming to Lakeroad Ferret Farm for Clinic Day again this year!
Exam times start at 10 AM and exams will be done throughout the day. A registration form is needed to participate for checkups and vaccinations. Email Mum she will email you one upon request. Please send your registration form back to Mum as soon as possible; time slots fill up FAST! If you have a time need that is crucial, please call ahead so that we can place you in the best possible time slot. If you are coming to just hang out to enjoy the day no registration or notification is needed!
Due to the number of ferrets that did not show for their appointments in past years, there will be a $25.00 non-refundable deposit per ferret registration. No phone registrations will be taken. The registration form must be filled out in full and in Mum’s possession before you will added to the appointment list. Total amount for a complete exam is $50.00. Vaccines (rabies and distemper) are $12.00 each (New York State requires all ferrets to receive yearly rabies vaccines)
Your deposit will be applied to your bill when you arrive for your appointment. If you are a no-show, the deposit amount of $25.00 will be donated to the shelter.
Again, if you do not plan to have your ferret(s) examined by Doctor Edwards, there is no need to send a registration form; however, please feel free to participate in the afternoon activities. Lunch will be available and, as usual, there will be lots of games and fun for your fuzzies and their humans. A dish to pass would be appreciated.
Registration deadline May 27, 2022. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you June 11th!
Newsletters from 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010.
Rants from 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010.
Master Largo left for the Rainbow Bridge on April 26, 2004.
Ziggy left for the Rainbow Bridge November 4, 2005.
Andy left for the Rainbow Bridge October 16, 2006.
Suzie Q left for the Rainbow Bridge on May 5, 2011.
Reporter Possum left for the Rainbow Bridge on February 13, 2012.
Reporter Sarah left for the Rainbow Bridge on June 12, 2014.
Reporter Daisy left for the Rainbow Bridge on June 29, 2018.
Reporter Lance left for the Rainbow Bridge on July 27, 2021.
Reporter Jazzy left for the Rainbow Bridge on August 17, 2023.