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Possum's Special Additions, AKA Rants Reporter Possum left for the Rainbow Bridge on February 13, 2012. Reporter Sarah left for the Rainbow Bridge on June 12, 2014. |
December 15, 2014:
Me and Wilson are gonna party, after Mum goes to bed. She does not wait to watch the ball fall, she says she can watch it when she gets up. We want to watch it fall.. we know how to turn on the TV so we can watch it come down in real time.
We want to wish you all a Happy New Year, and thank you for all your support in 2014. We have the most awesome shelter supporters, Mum says she could not do it without you.. We think she is right on with that thought. We love you all, be safe, be happy and love one another.
Daisy and Wilson
December 15, 2014:
Me and Wilson wanted to send this to you. We thought you should know we like to help wrap presents.. this is how:
Christmas Gift Wrapping Hints for Ferret Owners
1. Clear large space on table for wrapping present.
2. Go to closet and collect bag in which present is contained, and shut door.
3. Open door and remove ferret from closet.
4. Go to cupboard and retrieve rolls of wrapping paper.
5. Go back and remove ferret from cupboard.
6. Go to drawer, and collect transparent sticky tape, ribbons, scissors, labels, etc.
7. Lay out presents and wrapping materials on table, to enable wrapping strategy to be formed.
8. Go back to drawer to get string, remove ferret that has been in the drawer since last visit and collect string.
9. Remove present from bag.
10. Remove ferret from bag.
11. Open box to check present, remove ferret from box, replace present.
12. Lay out paper to enable cutting to size.
13. Try and smooth out paper, realize ferret is underneath and remove ferret.
14. Cut the paper to size, keeping the cutting line straight.
15. Throw away first sheet as ferret chased the scissors, and tore the paper.
16. Cut second sheet of paper to size - by putting ferret in the bag the present came in.
17. Place present on paper.
18. Lift up edges of paper to seal in present. Wonder why edges don't reach. Realize ferret is between present and paper. Remove ferret.
19. Place object on paper, to hold in place while tearing transparent sticky tape.
20. Spend 20 minutes carefully trying to remove transparent sticky tape from ferret with pair of nail scissors.
21. Seal paper with sticky tape, making corners as neat as possible.
22. Look for roll of ribbon. Chase ferret down hall in order to retrieve ribbon.
23. Try to wrap present with ribbon in a two-directional turn.
24. Re-roll ribbon and remove paper, which is now torn due to ferret's enthusiastic ribbon chase.
25. Repeat steps 13-20 until you reach last sheet of paper.
26. Decide to skip steps 13-17 in order to save time and reduce risk of losing last sheet of paper. Retrieve old cardboard box that is the right size for sheet of paper.
27. Put present in box, and tie down with string.
28. Remove sting, open box and remove ferret.
29. Put all packing materials in bag with present and head for locked room.
30. Once inside lockable room, lock door and start to relay out paper and materials.
31. Remove ferret from box, unlock door, put ferret outside door, close and relock.
32. Repeat previous step as often as is necessary (until you can hear ferret from outside door).
33. Lay out last sheet of paper. (This will be difficult in the small area of the toilet, but do your best).
34. Discover ferret has already torn paper. Unlock door go out and hunt through various cupboards, looking for sheet of last year's paper. Remember that you haven't got any left because ferret helped with this last year as well.
35. Return to lockable room, lock door, and sit on toilet and try to make torn sheet of paper look presentable.
36. Seal box, wrap with paper and repair by very carefully sealing with sticky tape. Tie up with ribbon and decorate with bows to hide worst areas.
37. Label. Sit back and admire your handiwork, congratulate yourself on completing a difficult job.
38. Unlock door, and go to kitchen to make drink and give ferret a treat.
39. Spend 15 minutes looking for ferret until coming to obvious conclusion.
40. Unwrap present, untie box and remove ferret.
41. Go to store and buy a gift bag.
We wish you a wonderful holiday season - Daisy and Wilson
November 25, 2014:
Happy Thanksgiving to all our shelter friends and supporters. We wish for you a peaceful day with family and friends. A reflection of all the blessings you have had throughout the year.
We are thankful for you; for all the love and support you send and give to help us take care of the lost, misplaced, and unwanted at our shelter. We are truly blessed.
November 14, 2014:
Ho! Ho! Ho! - Christmas has begun at the shelter! Sasha's got her presents this week, we were told more are on the way. Mum lets us open our presents when they come in because Mum takes pictures of us getting into them so our Santa's can see us and the presents.
Mum a long time ago waited until Christmas Eve to let us get into them there were 35 boxes, Mum was taking pictures and cleaning up boxes and paper all day, so now when they come she lets us open them so Mum can get our picture with our Christmas stuff for our Santa. We are sharing a picture of just one days delivery a few years ago...
Wilson and I will keep you informed as the kids get their presents. We want to thank all of you for helping Mum take care of us and making Christmas special for us.
Daisy and Wilson
October 12, 2014:
Oh I had a grand time yesterday, my far away Mom brought me out and we spent the day together. Miss Wendy could not make it because her car was broke so the pictures you are getting were taken by Mum when she was not flitting around doing this and that or Miss Loana, while she helped Miss Patty with the raffle table.
It was a bit nippy out for the humans but we fur kids were enjoying the cooler weather, we have the permanent fur coats, don't you know.
We had new folks drop by to spend the day with us.. Lots of food, lots of fun, tons of raffles (Mum did not get a picture of them) silent auction, pick a kid off the tree, gift exchange Chinese style. The helpers that set things up made it look beautiful, the helpers that tore down made it look easy and quick.. everything is down, put away and set for winter...
We want to thank all the folks that came to enjoy the day and all the supporters that made it happen with physical help, donations for raffles, silent auction, used goods auction, food and supporting us by buying tickets.. We are the luckiest shelter kids in the world because of all our wonderful supporters...
Thanks for all you do to help our Mum take care of us.
Daisy; exhausted from all the fun I had with my far away Mom yesterday
October 1, 2014:
Oh my! oh my - I forgot to mention we are having a ferret item gift exchange at our Christmas in October event.. Same as before keep the cost to $20.00 or less, wrap with no tag. We will have a box to drop the gifts in when you get here. We hope you will join us!
Off to find something to get into
September 17, 2014:
Here are a couple of pictures Mum took at the canyon. She is still sorting all she took during the entire vacation (280) and putting in files. I will add a fun one; Mum let me have to share. There are 2 trains in Santa FE one is a tour train, the guys were out working around them while Mum was taking pictures. Mum asked if she could get a picture of him with the train, he asked if she wanted to get up inside to see the engine. You bet Mum was ready for that!
A very high first step so Mum had to put her knee up on it and pull herself up. When she got up there he suggested he take a picture of her in the engineer seat. The other train is the Rail Runner a commuter train. The picture below is just before Lisa and Don set off to their next destination. Mum says she will keep feeding me more information to share with you as she gets time. Off to get ready, my far away Mom is coming to see me today. Ta Ta Daisy
September 9, 2014:
After a good night's sleep Miss Lisa and Mum got the cameras out...Mum needs to be in Rochester Airport by 5 am Wed morning 9/10/14.
We are going to miss Mum but Miss Lisa loves on us just like Mum does! How's that for luck?
September 8, 2014:
Miss Lisa and Mr Watson are in Naples - ready to take over so Mum can go away. take a look.
September 5, 2014:
This post was taken from Ferret Association of Connecticut - L. Vanessa Gruden, Executive Director
Totally Ferret Production Issues
Is your ferret hooked on Totally Ferret? If you’ve tried to order it recently, you may have been frustrated by long waits and “out of stock” messages. Performance Foods told us that the plant in Ohio which manufactures Totally Ferret normally closes for two weeks in August…this year they were closed for an additional two weeks for equipment repair. This led to all the back-orders and shortages. Ferret.com and their related site, Pet food.com, had enough angry customers that they discontinued carrying Totally Ferret and were offering a discount to Marshall food. Like many readers, I don’t consider this a viable substitute! Ferrets that love Totally Ferret will not easily switch to Marshall, and owners seriously concerned with ferret welfare dislike supporting Marshall Farms.
Right now Ferret Depot is showing most sizes of Totally Ferret as in stock; but honestly, I'd call to double check. At Drs. Foster & Smith, they list 15 lb. in stock but that 4 lb. will not be in until October 3. You can also order directly from Performance Foods at http://performancefoodsinc.net/zencart/ or just call Liz in their office at 1-877-545-5462. She’s very helpful and they have a greater range of sizes for each formula available. Remember, the larger the bag you can order, the lower the price per pound! Just make sure you have a good, airtight container to store larger amounts of food for freshness and safety.
We’re urging those who want to purchase through ferret.com to contact them and ask they bring Totally Ferret back. You can call them at 1-888-809-0752 or via their online contact form at https://www.ferret.com/CS/Feedback.aspx Really, how can you claim to be “Everything and Anything Ferret” if you don’t carry Totally Ferret?
August 26, 2014:
Hey! Hey! Hey! cyber friends, I am hearing complaints and concerns about our Mum… Not to worry we had house guests come in last Friday, our shelter face to face board meeting was on Saturday so there were lots of humans here for that. On Monday Mum, Miss Patty, Miss Mary Ellen took Jenkins, Frenchie and Panda to see Our Favorite Doc, they left at 6 am they did not get home until 1 pm.
Then around 3:15 on Monday Mum got a call from Mr. Bob with some very sad news. Miss Jackie has been placed in hospice care, she has succumbed to the cancer that was taking over her body. Mr. Bob asked Mum if he could bring Roger AKA Pudge to camp while they take care of Jackie and her needs. Mum, Miss Patty and Miss Mary Ellen went to pick Pudge up yesterday afternoon. He will stay at camp until Mr. Bob is ready for him to come home. The entire family is there to see Miss Jackie off so Pudge is better at camp at this time. I put some pictures on here for you to see Miss Jackie the day she adopted Roger AKA Pudge and some other times she was here hanging out with us fur kids.
Miss Audri and her Mom and sister Miranda came to help again on Tuesday morning before Miss Patty and Miss Mary Ellen left for home. Mum has been pretty busy for the last 5 days. She told me to tell you she will try to get caught up on emails and such in the morning. We have boarders coming in Wednesday afternoon, their Mom is being shipped to Afghanistan so the fuzz butts are coming to camp until she gets home.
Anyway I just wanted you to know Mum is fine just up to her ears in humans and ferrets these day. Off to find something to climb.
August 14, 2014:
Hey cyber friends, here is a link I think you might like... all about shelters, and how you can help them. We have awesome shelter volunteers, helpers and supporters, but I thought this was a great article take a look. Thanks Miss Ili for bringing this to my attention.
August 2, 2014:
Another safe place for us to play and sleep!
Daisy here! Mum made these boxes special because of me, you see I love to climb as much as I love to jump so one day I scaled the front of the cage got to the top and could not get back down. Sooooo Mum built these sleep boxes on the top of the cages so we do not have to scale the front of the cage to get to the top. We can run through the tube in the back of the cage, then up into the other tube that takes us all the way to the top. Mum has beds and blankies up there, a litter box too because we are too lazy to go to the floor to go potty. We even take toys up top to have in our beds. This is me, I get into the trash to play with what Mum puts in there, food bags are great fun!
Off and running
July 20, 2014:
Okay I have listened to Mum cry long enough over fur kids that have gotten out, lost, shut into drawer, traveled miles and miles away from home. I scampered right over to her toes and stood there looking up at her like what is with you? Get up off your duff and take pictures of how YOU KEEP US SAFE AND SECURE! Knowledge is power! I had to power her into action!
So Mum did just that, she got pictures of the windows that have AC or exhaust fans in them and how she made it so we could not get to them or get out. We have the ability to dig through plastic, nylon screen, duct tape and cardboard so she used hardware cloth in windows that she could not secure AC in the top part of the window.
I have attached the pictures she took to show you what she did to keep us safe. If there is a window we can reach Mum has hardware cloth over the areas we can did through. If the window is in an area that we can get to like our ferret room; our dig box is right in front of the window; so Mum put the fan up in the top part. The Play room the AC is in the top window so we cannot reach it.
Please secure your windows with things we cannot dig through so Mum will stop crying over fur kids she has no control over.
I hope this helps!
July 4, 2014:
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! Have a safe holiday weekend.
June 14th 2014:
::::: R A I N B O W B R I D G E N E W S U P D A T E :::::
The Rainbow Bridge Gazette is happy to announce the arrival of new "kit" reporter Sarah. "We are all happy to have her here part of the crew," said Bridge Head Advisor & Senior Reporter Possum, who has been working diligently at the Bridge Greeter Intake Office. "Sarah has this light that makes everyone want to stand up and take notice, or sit down in their favorite hammie and enjoy the Gazette!"
Sarah wishes to send the very best of her love to her family, and to thank them for knowing when the time was right, and the love was unconditional enough to allow her to leave with grace and dignity. "I love you mom, and look, I made it! I am a Bridge Reporter!!!!" Sarah is looking forward to not only reporting news from the Bridge, but to keep her loved one's updated by sending them newsletters by request, quoted as having said, "All you need to do mom is dash a note off to The Bridge Greeters Office in care of me, and I will be beyond happy to write back to you!!!! Also I wanted to report that both Big Foot and Oscar did more then fly high, they reached the Bridge and were there along with the rest of our Bridge Family waiting with open paws to greet me. I can't tell you just how happy I was to see everyone, especially Possum, Ziggy - Reporter of a Higher Order - and Andy, who is always watching from the Rainbow Bridge.
As she dashed off for her very first assignment she said that she looked forward to becoming a big part of the Rainbow Bridge Reporting Crew, and we here at the Gazette hope to see her continue to be that hardworking, spunky, fun-loving fuzzit we all know her to be!
As for her arrival itself, Pie O' Pah was heard to have said that when she arrived, she lit up not only the Bridge, but the very air seemed to vibrate with this great, fuzzy love. He also was quoted as saying, "I know that her family misses her greatly, but we here at the Bridge thank them for preparing Sarah for being the best darn reporter that she can be here at the Bridge."
::::: E N D S T O R Y :::::
May 17, 2014:
Hey cyber friends, this is my first time doing the news all by myself. It is scary but Mum said Sarah taught me well and I will be fine until we find another reporter. Mum also said with Sarah gone that makes me Senior Reporter for the Master Largo News and keeping you all informed about what goes on at the shelter.
This news is; the final tally and winner of the baby food campaign that ended yesterday at clinic day. Mum got them counted this afternoon, Drum Roll Please...
You humans got us 155 jars of baby food! Miss Priscilla from Florida won the urn, the ticket was pulled after all raffles, silent auctions and sign in tickets were read.
Thank you so much for helpen our Mum take care of us. Thanks for all you do to make us fur kids happy, healthy, fat and sassy!
Signing off on my first solo letter
May 17, 2014:
We have 2 pictures - one Mum took of everyone after they all ate lunch, Mum wanted to get an early group picture so she could include everyone, then if anyone needed to leave before the job was done she would have them documented as being here to help get the play yard fixed.
The other picture is who was still here at the end of the day of completion, and the cheering that they got it done. That was a lot of hard, heavy, grueling work. A lot of discussion as to how to go about doing it, Miss Engineer Brie, and Mr. Bob Blair, Mr. Clair Fox, where the brains of the project, however everyone involved had a voice, idea and suggestion but they generally followed the brains of the crew.
The flooding we had on Friday was well timed because the crew needed fill to put in front and behind the blocks as they were set. They had plenty of fill right behind the play yard. Miss Janette, Miss Donna, Miss Ili and Master Reilly did most of that hauling with the wagon. Mr. Charlie and Mum got the Dry-lock out of the basement and got that mixed so they could start covering the blocks the crew was not working on. Miss Mia, Miss Mary Ellen, Master Reilly and Mum did some painting.
Each time Mum got in the middle of things she was told to go find something to do...(nicely) So Mum primarily did the grunt work fetching the things the crew needed when they needed it.
To say we fur kids are blessed to have such an awesome work crew, and many supporters to be sure everyone was fed, hydrated and protected with proper equipment is an understatement. We hope you enjoy the pictures we have included. Miss Loana and Mum took a lot of pictures so when Mum gets them sorted she will share with Miss Tori so she can get them on our web site for all to see. She got a short video too she will share if she can.
Thank you everyone for your part in getting our play yard fixed and ready for us to use this summer! We love each and everyone of you!
Sara and Daisy
May 13, 2014:
OHHHHHHHHH Sarah I am just beside myself, there are only 5 more days till the crew gets here to fix our play yard. Miss Donna got the things that were easily moved out of there last weekend, and mowed the grass so the workers did not have to walk through the high grass...
I am just so excited; are you?
Well DUH to that questions Daisy, of course I am excited having that play yard is great fun because we can go out to play without a harness and leash. There is a ball pit, 2 sand boxes, a swimming pool and lots of tubes to run through! A ferret would be crazy NOT to be excited!
So we a dancing the weasel dance in excitement of our reconstruction day. We can't wait to get it back to the way it was. Our shelter helpers and volunteers ROCK Daisy!
May 12, 2014:
Good day cyber friends, we are dropping in to remind you that Clinic Day is just around the corner.
If you plan to bring a fur kid or two to see OFD Mum needs a registration and deposit in her hands by June 7th that way Mum can let Doc know how many hurt sticks he needs to bring with him.
OFD will also have on hand deslorelin acetate implants if your kid should need one.
So get your registration in if you plan to have your kid see OFD.
Sarah and Daisy
April 27, 2014:
Hey cyber friends, me and Daisy have a special request. We would like to invite you to tell a clinic day story. We are looking for folks that have been to one or more of our clinic days, what you thought of it, what you did, and what you saw.
We want to know what you thought it was going to be like and then what you found out it really was.
This does not have to be a long story, just your impression, so we can share with others that have never been to one of our outrageously fun filled days. We want new folks to know what fun this day is and hope they will visit us this year with their fur kids in tow.
Please if you will; share your story with us and others.
Ferret Farm Shelter Reporters,
Sarah and Daisy
April 26, 2014:
Wow - we got lots and lots of name recommendations - you sent many great names. Mum let me and Daisy dance on the suggestions and when we stopped dancing the names under our feet were what we chose. They are now named: Pitter and Patter.
Thanks to everyone that offered their suggestions.
Sarah and Daisy
April 25, 2014:
Hey cyber friends, Mum took in two new boys that were tossed out to the back yard, a neighbor saw them got in touch with Mum to see if we could help. Bet you all know that answer to that question. They showed up unexpectedly Tuesday with NO NAMES! Me and Daisy would like some suggestions. We have attached a picture of them so you can see what they look like, there are two in that picture see if you can find them both.Mum needs names before they see O.F.D.
Let us know your suggestions, we will pass them on to Mum.
Sarah and Daisy
April 18, 2014:
Hey cyber friends, we are looking for some help and ideas. We are putting this out to the general public to see if you want to participate in our quest for a new design we can use for a thank you note to the humans who transport us to "OFD" when we need emergency medical treatment.
We are looking for artists who are willing to design a graphic depicting us fur kids being taken to and brought home from the hospital by folks, when Mum cannot do it.
You can submit your designs to lakeroadferretfarm@gmail.com. The BoD will review and help Mum decide what they like best. Then Daisy and I get to make the final decision.
Sarah and Daisy
April 1, 2014:
Hey cyber friends we have a new campaign going to help mum keep us in Duck Soup ingredients. We have had a few new SICK kids come in to the shelter, Mum is working on getting 2 of the 3 to like our Duck Soup. Miss Wendy put this poster together for us to help you know what we need for our sick ferrets. Of the two newest fur kids that have come in one is gravely ill, Mum called Our Favorite Doc within minutes of her surrender.
We hope you will join us in getting the baby food campaign up and running. Drawing will be on Clinic Day June 14th.
Good luck! Thanks for helpen Mum take care of us.
Sarah and Daisy
PS: If donating via PayPal, please leave a note for Shelter Mum so that she may set aside raffle tickets for you! Thank you!
PPS: We have had some folks contact Mum about Gerber's baby food having bad things in it. Since Mum watches all ingredients that go into her food she is just as picky about the food for us. There is NO wheat or junk in either Gerber's or Beechnut Chicken and Turkey foods.
Mum was thrilled to find out that both foods are safe for us to eat. She stopped at Wal-Mart this morning before taking Zelda, Gambit and Monster Man in to see OFD; she bought up 36 jars. To give you an idea of how much soup we go through, Mum makes a blender full of soup every other day. Each blender makes 56 cubes.
We go through a lot of soup! Thanks for helpen Mum keep us in soup and baby food!
Mum wanted us to tell you thank you for being concerned for our tummies.
March 30, 2014:
Hey cyber friends we have something special to share...This has been in the works for a while but Mum did not want anyone to know about it until it was all set...
See Miss Lisa Watson is Executive Director of http://www.ferretrescuersrelief.org/ When she decided to set up her relief organization Mum filled out papers just to help her get the "not for profit" status. As you all well know Mum is not much of a traveler and prefers to stay home to hang out with us...
One night Miss Lisa called Mum to say she had her on the destination list to stay with us so Mum could take a vacation. Well, Mum told Miss Lisa she had no place she wanted to go, she just filled out the papers to help her get her organization off the ground to help other shelter mom and dad's that do want to go on vacation. Miss Lisa said fine then you take a staycation. Mum agreed she could probably do that.
Miss Lisa sends all the paper work for Mum to fill out with the September dates Miss Lisa is going to be here in Napes NY. Mum gets the papers filled out and returned, she decides taking a staycation is not such a bad idea after all, she can just hang out watching TV with her feet up and eating Bon Bon's. Well then Miss Kathy and Miss Marilyn toss an idea into this staycation...Instead of staying home watching TV with her feet up and eating Bon Bon's why not come to New Mexico for a vacation? They will fly her out; take her to all the cool places they have grown up at and things they see all the time because they live there...
Mum has to think about that for a bit, she is not so sure she wants to actually leave us, let alone leave NY to fly west 7 states away. Mum then decides she needs to check with Miss Lisa to be sure this can happen, a staycation is shorter than a vacation, she does not want to mess up Miss Lisa's itinerary.
Miss Lisa says, are you out of your mind girl? YES! take them up on the offer to spend time with them and see the sights in NM. This is a chance that does not come every day!
Mum did in fact get back to Miss Kathy to say she would be honored to spend time out west meeting friends and folks she hears lots about but has not had the opportunity to meet. Miss Kathy jumped on that, knowing Mum was having a weak moment she was going to make sure she did not change her mind. As of yesterday it is all set, flights are scheduled.
Mum has already spoken with work (school will be back in session when this all happens)and she cleared the flight schedule with Miss Lisa to be sure she was okay with it..It is done, it is going to happen! Miss Lisa will be here to take care of us while Mum goes west to hang out with Miss Kathy and Miss Marilyn for 5 days.
Mum may even get to meet up with Miss Sue and Neil because she has a 2 hour layover in Chicago on her way home. Hey Miss Sue do you think you can maybe do that for our Mum September 15th?
Anyway this is months away but as we all know the days go by fast and before you know it Mum will be getting on a plane to head west for NM. We want to thank Miss Lisa for being so flexible, and Miss Kathy for offering Mum as real vacation away from us fur kids and shelter duties.
We are looking forward to meeting and spending time with Miss Lisa and her family in September.
Sarah and Daisy
March 16, 2014:
Aye, yie, yie it has been one wild winter here in Naples New York, snow up way past our little tails!
We wanted to touch base to confirm we have a date for fixing our play yard. May 17th with the 18th being our rain date. 10 am till we get'er done! Come when you can we will need many hands at different times...Mum asked us to ask you if you would send us an email to let us know if you plan to be here to help, there are folks that have said they will make goodies to share and Mum wants to be sure we have food and drink to fortify you while you work.
WE are getting so excited that we will have our play yard back to use this summer! You humans are the bestest humans in the world to do this for us.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Sara and Daisy
March 1, 2014:
I shared a post and concern for the bladder stones that have been reported from Dr. Ruth due to ZuPreem, I contacted several of our Veterinarian friends about this to see what if anything they have found, this is what we got back from Dr Sandra. I thought you should see what her findings were.
-Shelter Mum
Hi Brenda-
Thanks for sharing. I'd noticed this and reported it to Zupreem about a year ago, I no longer recommend the grain free version for ferrets at all. We have seen quite a few eating the Zupreem grain free getting stones.
February 31, 2014:
Hey cyber friends take a look at what we found on the computer when Mum was at work! We love to browse at Amazon.com it has the coolest stuffs for ferrets and the humans they own. Anyway we were surfing the site and there was this ferret T shirt it just so happens it is the design that Miss Sue did! Can you believe it, they have it on Amazon.com. the coolest shirt on the coolest shopping site! We thought you might like to take a look at what we found. It comes in mens ladies and kids sizes. Oops gotta run we hear Mum coming up the stairs... ta ta Sarah and Daisy
February 21, 2014:
Sarah and Daisy here with the news on the play yard fix dates. The votes are in, May 17th and 18th are the two dates that most people can join us to fix the play yard. Since they are the same weekend we are going to make it the 17th but a rain date on the 18th.
Mum figures if the weather is bad then we have a second date to work with. So put the 17th of May on your calendar to help us get our play yard back!
Thank you, thank you for helping us get our play yard back. 2 very grateful ferrets passing on the word to the rest of the shelter kids, Bandit and Gambit will get to see what it is like to play outside because of you!
Sarah and Daisy
February 08, 2014:
Wow are we lucky fur kids or what?
The folks that responded to our decision making about the play yard gave us positive feedback and have offered to help, up to and including making and baking goodies for the volunteers.
Our Miss Brie set up a poll for Daisy and I to allow the folks that want to help. Please take a look at when we can do it ( in nicer weather of course) so if you will go to the link, you can pick what works best for you, then Mum and Miss Brie will tally the votes and let you know what month and day we have the most volunteers that can meet up to help fix our play yard.
Me and Daisy are so happy and excited that our cyber friends and volunteers want to keep our play yard going as much as we do. Thank you, thank you for helping us keep our play yard going!
Sarah and Daisy grateful to have such loyal shelter friends
February 04, 2014:
Hey Shelter friends, we have some news we want to share, just a bit of an FYI before the poo hits the wall sort of thing. We have been a preferred club member with Zupreem for a while now. We get 2 cases of free food a year for keeping their logo on our web site. They have changed the program and are requiring that shelters turn over their contact lists to stay in the program. WE, as in Mum and we girls, have decided we will not do that -- not even for free food.
You folks out there who help Mum take care of us are too important to us to share your information with anyone other than me and Daisy. You have trusted us with your contact information. It is for US and no one else! We just wanted you to know your information is safe with us! Thanks for helpen Mum take care of us.
Sarah and Daisy
January 28, 2014:
Hey cyber friends we are sad, and we need your help in some decision making. Mum went out to her van and found our play yard has fallen apart. See pictures she took.
The play yard was getting rickety last summer and Mum and Miss Ili tried to fix it on their own. Only each one of the play yard blocks weighs 65 pounds and they interlock so it is necessary to left them high to interlock them. Not something Mum and Miss Ili were able to do.
So now our play yard is unusable broken; well as far as Mum is concerned, we fur kids would have no problem at all scooting out that open section to play in the high grass and even check out the creek way out back.
Mum is thinking of throwing up her hands and letting the play yard go, we fur kids don't want to lose our play yard and we know a lot of you out there have been here; you and your fur kids spent time in our play yard. What we are looking for at this time is feedback do we beg Mum to fix it or do we keep quiet and just let it go?
From what we can get out of her "over heard" conversations is that it is not money that we need to fix it; it is physical labor lots of people all on the same day with good strong arms and backs. Stronger than Mum's and Miss Ili's. We need Strong humans to lift, move and secure with more humans to hold as we progress around the ring locking the blocks together and getting the cables up into place and tightened.
We are looking for feedback from you if you want and are willing to help us keep our play yard for us and all of you to use.
Email us here so we can see if you are interested in helping us talk Mum into saving our play yard or letting it go. sarahknowsitall@live.com (Sarah) ferretfarm1@kwflatbed.com (Daisy)
A very sad day at the ferret farm shelter
Sarah and Daisy
January 25, 2014:
Hey cyber friends we wanted to share! We heard mum telling a friend that she is going on a staycation in September because Miss Lisa is going to come take care of us while Mum is on her staycation. We wanted you to see the progress they are making and where they are going so we are sending the link to see it.
Please do not tell Mum. We know she is leaving us she does not want us to know until it is here.
Sarah and Daisy
January 22, 2014:
Hey cyber friends thanks for all the notes to Mum telling her you really liked the news and not to skin me and Daisy for doing it without her.
She was a bit frustrated with us but understood we were just trying to help, to take a bit off her plate. When the messages started coming in from all of you with, "Please don't skin Sarah and Daisy" Mum had to admit we did okay and were being good girls with good intentions. So thanks to my far away mom Bonnie and Daisy's far away mom Marcia as well as the rest of you for saving our skins.
Mum says she is going to try to do better getting us the information we need in a timely manner.
Thanks again,
Sarah and Daisy
January 12, 2014:
Several days ago Mum asked us to ask you for the out dated SOS ferret calendars. Some have already come in; this is what Mum is doing with them.
We have several Petco stores that have become our partners, our volunteers that live in the areas of these stores spend several hours a month set up at these stores to help educate about ferrets and build bridges with new folks.
Mum took these wonderful pictures that were put into a calendar took them apart to put them in a binder and added captions to some. A good way to show how ferrets can be awesome companion pets NOT pets to be kept in a cage.
She is making a binder for each of the different volunteers groups to keep in their events box so they can have them on their tables when they set up at these stores.
The first binder is already put together and being used at the Auburn NY Petco today with Miss Marcia, Mr Charlie and Master Reilly and their fur kids.
We have added some pictures of the binder Mum got put together this morning with the calendars that came in yesterday, this one will be sent to Miss Patty for her and Miss Mary Ellen to show off at the Mattydale Petco store when they set up. Mum needs more calendars because she has more binders to make for the other stores we set up at. so if you have some and do not mind giving them to Mum she sure could use them. Thanks - enjoy the pictures
Sarah and Daisy