Lakeroad Ferret Farm's Raffles! |
Paper towel Campaign: May 15 - June 3, 2023 - Thank you everyone who made this campaign a success!! |
Paper towel Campaign, May 15 - June 3, 2023
What was raffled: $50 gift card to PetCo. Congratulations to our winner, Mary B! Thank you all who made this raffle campaign successful!
Laundry Soap Campaign raffle, 2022, May 23 - June 11, 2022
Congratulations to our winner, Amanda M! Thank you all who made this raffle campaign successful!
What was raffled:
$25 gift card to Amazon, $25 gift card to Chewy, Shelter shirt - your choice/your size, Assorted ferret toys
Napkin, Baby food and Ferretone raffle, September 29 - October 30, 2020
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters. You did it again! October is over, November is here and we have the supplies we need to keep going. The fundraiser was a huge success because of your support. The winning tickets were chosen by Miss Donna D., the winners are:
Sue K - Webster, New York
Priscilla G. - Greenacres, Florida
Kris D. - Remsen, New York
Ili Blair - Canandaigua, New York
Mum said she will get the packages out this week. Thanks again for your support! - Jazzy
Mum is running very short on some items we furkids need - baby food, napkins and Ferretone! From September 29 to October 30 we're offering prizes to those who help the Shelter to purchase these badly needed items! Please head over to our Facebook Raffle page and comment on the supply you'd like to help with, then message us directly with the amount of product you will donate.
- 1 raffle ticket will be issued for each jar of Gerber's Stage 2 chicken baby food
- 8 raffle tickets will be issued for every 8 oz. of Ferretone
- 10 raffle tickets for every 1,000 paper napkins
- We also have a prize for those that want to donate cash
The winner of each package will also receive a free multi-layered cotton face mask in an adorable ferret fabric! Visit our Raffle page to see what we're raffling off!
Napkin and Bleach raffle, 2019
Congratulations to our Winners!! Thank you all who made this raffle campaign successful!

What was raffled:
1. Hanging Bungalo2. Round Bed
3. Medium Hammock
4. Floor Sleep Sack
5. Padded Hanging Sleep Sack

Baby Food Campaign: April 8 - June 2, 2018
Our baby food campaign netted us 436 jars of baby food. We have some awesome support!
Congrats Amanda Mc. and Karlyssa C from Rochester NY for winning!!
Hi Ms Brenda,
Sorry for the delay in response. We got the awesome package and loved it. - Karlyssa C
Mum says we fuzz butts are in need of baby food, the food we received in our last campaign is gone so she has dug through the store stock that is left over to raffle off for baby food for us...Oh the things our Mum does to keep us happy and full! Mum adds 2 jars of baby food to each blender of soup she makes us. Mum makes a blender of soup every other day, that's 10 jars of baby food a week. OFD calls us piglets; Mum calls us fat and sassy!
Mum has filled 2 Snoopy Snuggler Bench bunks with awesome stuff for ferrets and humans.
Campaign starts April 8, 2018 runs through to our Fuzz Butt tune up/picnic day, June 2, 2018.
We hope you will help restock our baby food shelf! Good luck!
Paper Towel Campaign: October 1-31, 2017
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters. It's November 1st the day the raffle tickets are drawn. Miss Donna Z came with papers for us today so Mum asked her to pull the tickets so Mum could get pictures.
The Winners are...
Raffle #1 Grammy Tirpak/Miss Anna Walker
Raffle #2 Miss Tina Barnard
Raffle #3 Miss Donna Dolan
Thank you! Thank you for your support. You humans rock!
Laundry Soap Campaign: April 30 - June 10, 2017
Helloooo cyber friends and shelter supporters! Tiny Tim here. Lance said I could do this announcement because I got my picture taken with all the laundry soap you got for us to help keep our bedding clean and stinky free.
Mum says we are so blessed to have so many help her take care of us, thank you for all the laundry soap! All winners have been notified!
Tiny Tim
Baby Food Raffle Campaign: May - June, 2014

Congratulations to Priscilla for winning the ferret umbrella!!
Mum says we fuzz butts are in need of baby food, the food we received in our last campaign is almost gone so she is going to give up one of her prized possessions to raffle off for baby food for us...Oh the things our Mum does to keep us happy and full!
This prize possession of hers, is a large umbrella, Mum has carried this in the van for years. It is a discontinued item, no longer available on the market. The umbrella has a plastic protective sleeve for safe storage. She has used it once since she got it, probably 15 yrs ago.
We hope you will help restock our baby food shelf! Good luck! - Daisy
We will draw the winning ticket on Clinic Day (June 4, 2016). The winner does not need to be in attendance.
How to enter:
We use both Gerber and Beechnut brands and we like both chicken and turkey!
One jar of food = one ticket
Five jars of food = six tickets