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Isabella, aka Busy Izzy
• Arrived at the Shelter on October 4, 2008. |
December 29, 2011:
Tock gave us a hung scare on November 29th. We found him - head titled and ridged/stiff along with a little drooling- soup was given as we made an emergency visit to the vet. Dr G did a bg test on him right away and it was in the low 30's. He did not have any other signs of being sick. It was a shock and the first time I have seen a ferret hold his head to the side when having a sugar issue. I was so worried that it was something major, like a stroke or a heart issue. It was a relief to find out it was his bg level. So he was started on meds that night.
On December 19th, Tock and Izzy went back to the vets for a one month follow up to check their bg levels. Tock was at 102 and Izzy was at 93 after a two hour fast. Both look good and are bouncing around, everyone's winter coat has come in. All five ferrets will have a vet visit in March - Toby and Izzy for Dex implants - Toby, Izzy, Tick and Tock will have their cbc/bg levels checked - and Tick and Foxy will have a wellness visit. It will be the first time Dr G sees Foxy.
Izzy started meds back in October. She has been funky with taking meds. I think she now believes if I give her anything to eat that it has meds it. Izzy's grandmother has to give her soup with the meds in it or she will not eat. Spoiled for sure, but so worth it. It took Izzy much longer to stabilize after starting the meds and not crashing. However, she is so much easier to read when she is starting to not feel better that its easier to catch.
Tock crashed hard on December 27th - head titling, drooling and throwing up. Kero was given along with Soup - then more soup was given a few hours later. It was the first time he has done that since we started the meds. I wish he would tell me sooner when he is not feeling good - or that I would get better at reading him. We had a talk about that! LOL
I have to share that Foxy coming into the household has been a blessing to Tick. She is now his own little playmate and making him work outside of his comfort zone - which is great to see. She is such a little trooper too. No mater how hard he plays she is all up for it. Just a nice breath of fresh air for them.
Izzy is still a brat and will not tolerate Foxy. The boys have all taken to being able to sleep with Foxy but Izzy still can not be around Foxy. I am still hopeful in time Izzy will at least be able to be in the same room - but we are far from that.
October 28, 2011:
Oh goodness, how fast things change. On September 9th, I picked up a little girl who was only going to be staying with us until she could get her shots from the vet and then taken to the Shelter. Well, she is now a permanent member of the family. She has been named Foxy. I had not been looking to adopt a fifth ferret - and we are now running two different cage groups as Busy Izzy is not at all welcoming to the new ferret. In fact she is much more into the seek and destroy mood when it comes to Foxy.
Later in the month Izzy did get another implant of Des for her Adrenal disease. A week later she started showing signs of crashing due to low blood sugar. Weak and drooling. I gave her soup and she perked right up. It is not uncommon for the Adrenal disease to cover up other issues. Once she was given the des implant it would allow her to sleep and not be "jumping out of her skin". So she was not eating as often to keep her blood sugar up. At the end of September she went in for a blood test and had a follow up blood test on October 26th.
During the office visit on October 26th it had become clear that it was insulinoma that was causing her to crash. Izzy is my first ferret to deal with insulinoma it has always been the common ferret disease that scared me the most. But just a day into getting meds for it she is doing so much better! Now if she would just stop trying to eat baby Foxy everything would be perfect!
October 25, 2011:
Izzy had another vet appoint today to draw blood again to compare to last month. Her bg today after 2.5 hours was 54. this weekend and today she has been crashing more often. I will see the results of the blood test tomorrow - hopefully while I am there with Frankie.
Just wanted to give you a heads up.
September 26, 2011:
Izzy is fine. She was fasted for three hours and had a bg of 91 no signs of crashing.
They also did a blood test. Everything came back normal except the value for showing long term swelling. Could be from the adrenal tumor - but Dr G wasn't overly worried about it.
We will do a follow up blood test in a month to see if anything changes.
So no idea why this happened on Sunday night. I have given her soup about every six hours and while I am not working will keep doing that. If it happens again, or if there is another sign we will take her back to the vet.
August 7, 2011:
It has been far too long without an update for the website on the kids. Please know that we are still very active with the shelter. I have been good at updating the website for everyone else, and have let Busy Izzy, Tick and Tock's page slide.
This is Izzy begging to get picked up and taken out of the play pen on Clinic Day June 2011. Master Toby, her cage mate (my first ferret) can jump out of the pen and it left Izzy puzzled on how he was doing it and why she wasn't getting out too. In fact at this year's Clinic Day Master Toby jumped out of the play pen over 55 times in two hours! We had a guessing game so we were counting.
In March of 2011 we all went to see our Vet again. Izzy is going very well and had another Des implant done to help control her Adrenal disease. She is due for another one in September.
So this week I will be calling the office and setting up another appointment for the kids. Izzy and Toby will be getting implants for Dex. Tick and Tock will be going for a wellness visit also.
The 360 water fountain that we in usually use for water in my room is currently in the dishwasher. So today they are using a dish, but I have to laugh, as I am writing this Izzy is trying to take her water dish and hide it under the bed. I am not so sure why as I just filled it with cold water, it appears that when she goes to take a nap she doesn't want to have to get up and go across the room to get a drink. The carpet will dry in a little while!
Last month I took some large boxes I had hanging out, and cut holes and set them all inside each other with some blankets. I then took the entrance hole and added a four foot tube, the whole thing was tucked under the bed for the Ferrets. Izzy now only sleeps in that box. Every once in a while I can hear her digging and moving the blankets around.
In our house, we have run a 20 foot tube from the top of the stairs to the bottom where the kids can slide down. One of Izzy's newest tricks is taking a ball and dropping it down that long tube only to chase behind it or go in backwards and bring the ball with her so that it chases her all the way down the stairs. She comes sliding out, catches the ball, then carries it up the stairs only to do it all over again. My guess is that the boys will not go as fast as that little ball will!
Izzy is still the only ferret that I have met that will sit on your shoulder and prefers to be there. I can not tell you how handy that has been specialty when trying to hold the boys and her, or caring other things and taking her along. Just one of the many things that I adore about this little spider money of mine!
October 2010:
Just a quick update and a wave. Guess who is the calendar girl in the S.O.S 2011 ferret calendar... Here is a hint: take a look at May!!!
August 18, 2010:
Time for another update on the kids.
Yesterday Master Toby and Busy Izzy went to the vet. This time it was Izzy's turn to be there to support Toby. My little man had an ultra sound and the Des implant for being Adrenal. For a while I had thought that Toby was adrenal, however it was hard to tell at some points if he was just reacting to Izzy's. I can't believe he is just shy of four years old. It just doesn't seam right! The good news is that his tumor is on the Left. He also had his BG tested, and on a 3 and half hour fast his BG was 102. Which is very good news.
Izzy was as always the best little supporter for him. She watched over him all day and when she got home and was sure everything was as she left it... She fell asleep in her cage with her back feet in one hammock, her belly across the shelf, and her head in another hammock! I should have taken a picture. Just to cute. The other boys choose to sleep under the couch.
March 21, 2010:
Izzy, Toby, and Tick saw the vet yesterday.
Yesterday we took another trip to see our favorite vet Dr G. Izzy has started to show early signs that the implant was wearing off in January. Nothing scary but it was clear that her Adrenal was acting up. So she got another implant with the thought that the second dose will last longer now that its in her system.
Dr G cleaned the area, did the implant and glued it shut in about three minutes. She was really calm during and after. There was oh most no blood or hair lose from him. Even last night it was hard to see where the injection had been and she wasn't effect by it at all. Within two hours of coming home, she spent ten minutes digging at the card table (used as a baby gate) to get into the kitchen. So it couldn't have been hurting her to much.
Izzy really liked the Vet Tec that was helping out. The poor girl, Izzy kept demanding to go into her pocket or down her shirt, and that says nothing about Izzy's need to see the world from the shoulder. Izzy doesn't so much want to be carried around, but will stay with you for hours by sitting on your shoulder - that is until she see something she can jump to, or thinks she can jump to. But with all of that it was supper sweet to watch Izzy calm right down as the Vet Tec was holding her waiting for the doc. Izzy closed her eyes and everything! So Izzy is going to send a Thank you card to the Vet Tec.
Tick was fitted into the visit, which wasn't planed, because on Friday I was setting up the carrier and Izzy and Tick were in a hurry to test it out. I was finishing it up and one of them yelped pretty good. When Tick came out his eye was starting to swell up. I ran cold water over it and he kept holding it half open. It wasn't weeping or showing any sighs of an injury. But I wanted to have him seen and just make sure. The vet did the die test and the eye itself isn't scratch. I was right there when it happen with my head about five inches away... And I still don't know what happen. If it was a foot that got him or a tooth.
Tick tried to climb up the inside of the Vet Tec's pant leg. She was a really good sport about it. Tick only does that to new people he meets and really don't want him to do that! So he is sending an I'm sorry card to her.
On Saturday morning Tick's eye looked much better and only a tiny bit swollen. If you didn't know it had happened, you wouldn't have seen it. And today I can't tell which eye it was. So we are good.
Toby was seen because for the life of me, I can't tell if his just reacting to Izzy's adrenal or if he is starting. You add the spring coat change in too... And its hard to tell if his tail is starting to go adrenal or if its just the coat change. But I wanted the Vet to see him now if he is borderline so that in the summer if something changes we have a baseline. I don't want to wait until he cant pee and then be like oh there might be an issue.
Tock when for the car ride too. But he just a happy, coat blowing, big bear so he didn't get a vet appointment.
January 17, 2010:
Everyone when to see Dr. G in November 2009 and everyone got a prefect bill of health! Everyone is happy and healthy!
Busy Izzy is doing really good and you would not know that she has adrenal disease. She is still just a tiny little peanut who is just full of energy. Just full of life and wants to see and do everything. Lately though she has been trying very hard to tunnel her way under baby gates and doors to get into places she is not allowed. Thank goodness I don't really care about the old carpet. Also any ferret proof that had been done with Duct Tape has had to be removed and redone. Ms Busy Izzy believe that all Duct Tape meant was that she had to dig and pull harder. I just can't get her to understand to leave it be. She is just having too much fun to listen.
Master Toby Busy Izzy Tick and Tock too were busy this holiday. We sent out some cloth tunnels that the kids though others would like. Of course each one had to be tested first by Izzy! The kids also picked a couple of friends off the Giving Tree and sent some things that they no longer were playing with. Tock did however disagree with a few of the stuffed balls/toys and those were promptly removed when he saw them. No such thing as talking to him about the sprit of giving! Izzy herself had a very hard time giving up some Treats, but in the end understood why.
Tock may not have been up to giving away some toys, but him and Tick did send a box full of stuff Dad had needed when he was sick to Cracker Box Palace. Dad is now feeling great and back at work, and the boys wanted to do something to say thank you for taking such good care of them! They don't have ferrets so the kids sent some stuff for the bunnies too.
The kids also ordered a box of digging peanuts for Roger since he liked theirs so much when he stayed for a few days before seeing Doc and finding his own forever home. Last but not least they also put together a box for a friend of a friend and sent it. They giggled when it took so long for Colesferry Ferret Home Ferret Shelter to find out they did it and why.... Why? Because it was Christmas! (also because they sponsor some kids here at the shelter)
In January we got a ton of snow all at one time and they had a blast not only when I brought the snow inside and filled the small swimming pool with it, but also when I put the boys on leashes and we went outside for a snow day.
Izzy is too small to stay in a harness (or its an easy trick to slip out of it) so she could only go outside on my shoulder or for a short run across the steps. She had a great time and would have liked to hang out there longer, however she is such a great tunnel-er I could easily lose her under all the snow. So it didn't last very long for her.
September 30, 2009:
A Long Over Due Update: On July 21st, my Father - Izzy's grandfather and caregiver while I am at work - went into the hospital for open heart surgery. He did wonderful though the surgery and came home after just five days. The whole time he was in the hospital he was educating the staff on all things Ferrets, including showing pictures of 'his grandkids' - Master Toby, Busy Izzy, Tick and Tock too. He was doing so well that Izzy, Toby, and I all drove down to PA to see a vet who gave Izzy the Deslorin Implant to treat the Adrenal Disease.
Izzy took the trip like a little trooper. She was sore for a few days were the implant had been placed but bounced back really well. The very next day I noticed that the frenzied little ferret we loved and called Busy Izzy had calmed down. She is still her busy little self and still runs the boys out of energy, but she 'feels calmer' within her own skin now. She now has the ability to stop and think through a problem without being overly frantic about what is going on around her.
The following week things got really hard for all of us, the ferrets included. My father ended up back into the hospital with a hole in his stomach that needed to be patched. It was a very scary 24 hours. The second surgery was far worse then the first and left him far weaker. He was in the hospital for 10 days that time. Will all my heart I thank those of you who prayed for us.
He is now home and doing great. The docs believe that he will be well enough to go back to work sometime in November. The ferrets have forgiven us for all the time they spent in the cage while we were in and out of the hospital. The fact that Dad is home all the time now, also means the kids do not have to be locked in the cage.
In mid September all of Izzy's hair grew back. Which I was so grateful for. I thought for sure she was going to get her 'winter coat' and be naked instead. Nope! Not Izzy. She is back to super soft fur and still getting thicker. She is still my little spider monkey and able to cling to anything cloth and clear a three foot jump horizontal. 75% of my ferret proofing time these days is directly because Izzy has learned something else. Including jumping, climbing, and crawling up the clothes in the closet to run back and forth along the railing that holds the hangers. Or for her even better push Everything Off the Shelves just to watch them fall. You can hear her giggle when it hits the floor!
It is just a few weeks shy of having brought home this small little tightly wound ferret... What an amazing difference a year has made in her. She is truly a very special little girl and we are all very blessed to have her in our lives. Again thank you to Kelsey & Brenda for allowing this little girl to come become apart of our hearts and souls!
June 26, 2009:
I wanted to let you know how Izzy made out with Dr G today for the ultrasound. Toby went with Izzy and was allowed to stay with her while they waited for Dr G to take a look at her. I thought that was super nice of the office to let Toby come with her. I am sure that make a big difference for little Izzy.
I know that Dr G was going to try and do the ultrasound without putting her under (masking her). They messed around for a while with it, but it ended up that they had to cone her. She has no body fat on her and they were having a hard time seeing everything. So in the end she got coned, but I am sure she felt better knowing that Toby was with her. (its bad of me, but I think her little shaved belly is just too cute)
And as it turns out She does have a Right adrenal disease. The gland is shaped differently and bigger then the left. Between being on the right and she is so very small (One pound 4 oz today) the thinking is that surgery is out of the question for her. Not when we can at this point do something different that doesn't risk killing her.
Mom and dad took them and picked them up. I am going to give a call to the office Monday to make sure I didn't miss anything with not being there. But the really cute thing was that as Dr G was talking to them about what he had found... He asked the tech to call Cathy since she has been through this.
I am going to spend this weekend coming up to speed on this Adrenal thing. I really thought that I had a another year before being faced with this. I am sad when any ferret comes up with this. But it hurts to see it in Izzy. I have only had her since Oct 11th and I would have wished better for her. But we are blessed that she has been here with us and the boys are better ferrets because of her.
So at this point I am up for anything that you guys have found that can make her feel better. Thank you to both of you for everything you have done for us already.
June 14, 2009:
An update on Busy Izzy: Over all she is doing really good. In May everyone went to the vets for a check up. She is still just a tiny girl at just over a pound and very busy!
She runs the boys around the house. Being the smallest she has turned out to be the keeper of the boys. It’s her games that they play. She was the one to show Tick and Tock how to play and to Dook too.
She has turned into my Spider Money and the only ferret I have that can clear a four-foot gab in one jump. No fear at all of anything. God help us all if she learns how to do that vertically!
The last few months she has started to hold her back legs when she gets playing hard. She Dooks and then rolls up into a ball and holds onto her back feet while wigging all over the place. Its all I can do not to start laughing at her and pick her to bear hug her.
She is such a special little girl. We are blessed to have her with us.
In early June she has had some health issues. Right now we think it’s just a urinary tract infection. She has a swollen vulva, but no hair loss, no lack of energy and is eating just fine. She is just over a year old (at best guess) so I don’t think its anything more then that. But for how she is on Baytril. Which she hates. She hates it by itself or in soup. With or without ferretone she still hates it. But she would like to eat my Macaroni and cheese! That’s my little girl.
Below is the trouble that Izzy got into last week (while she was sick)… She slipped under the baby gate and got into the kitchen, then went and played on the table. She had so much fun she must have told Toby about it. This week Master Toby did it. The poor little plant was happy inside of the frog! In over a year no one had done that before.
March 14, 2009:
Yesterday we brought home both Tick and Tock from the shelter to see if they would get along with Busy Izzy and Master Toby. We have been sponsoring the boys for a few months but still were unsure of just how they would react and the kids would react to them. Both Tick and Tock are much larger then Izzy; she’s just a little peanut of a girl.
However, there is no need to worry! The three of us were just in aw of how well the first meeting went. It just couldn’t have been better.
Master Toby climbed right into the playpen as soon as he was let into the living room and the first thing he did was start cleaning Tick's ears. Then he found Tock and tried to do both at the same time. The Boys took right to him too as if they had been together forever.
When Izzy was added to the playpen (she needed help getting over the bar) it was just alot of butt smelling and ear cleaning but within four minutes Izzy was laying with Tock and soon after Tick joined them.
Poor little Tock was just in need of a nap after being up all night and the drive from the shelter. He was the first one to go find some place to sleep and the others just wouldn't let him be alone. Within the first hour I had kids sleeping together.
Tick and Tock don't mind the dog at all. When she sniffs too close they turn and look at her and the dog backs away. Neither of the boys even blinked when she started barking when someone came to the front door.
Izzy has been great with showing the boys around the house. Her and Tock even managed to get into the kitchen –a no no room- together.
As for how Izzy is doing. She has gone through a coat change in the last few weeks. She is now looking like a little cotton ball. I know we are going into spring, but it looks like the little girl has gotten her winter coat. Leave it to Busy Izzy to be special!
Her newest trick has been to learn how to get into the Master Bedroom by popping the door open. Again this is one of those No Ferret Rooms. She just dances when she gets in there!
As for today, she seams to be happy being the only girl in a ferret pile of boys!
January 26, 2009:
Time for another update of Master Toby and Busy Izzy!
First let me say that everything is fine. My kids are mostly health. On the 12th we went to see Dr. G for Toby's shots and Izzy went in for a wellness visit.
Both Toby and Izzy have ear mites. It is not bad, but there was one live mite and some eggs in the slides. On first look into both of their ears it didn't look like they had anything. It wasn't until Dr G went to dig out some ear wax out of Izzy's ear that he decided to look at them on a slide. And it turned out they both have mites. Izzy's ears have always been really dirty. I have gotten them to be much better after cleaning them once a week for the first two months.
I don't know for sure where we have picked up ear mites. It could have been the dog (who will be treated later today just incase), it could have been the reason behind Izzy's ears being so bad when she first came in. And something both vets missed (Dr E on the visit with the head injury and Dr G for the follow up and shots) or I could have picked it up from the shelter. I don't say that as a bad thing. It was my fault if I did. I remember cuddling up with Tick and Tock when they first came in even knowing that they had just come in and had not been treated/tested for anything. So as for the ear mite thing, I can only blame myself and in part being happy that at this point that is the worst of any of our health issues.
On to the other stuff:
There is a little junk on their back teeth, but it is not at the gum line. So I am going to try and work on getting that off. I suck at brushing their teeth, but I will see what I can do. Some say having them eat meaty bones can help. I might be able to get Izzy to do that, but Toby will not go for it. This is the same little man that was a Year and One Week Old before he would touch ferrtone, and poops at the smell of baby food. Nbones are a no go too. Izzy ate the first one I gave her (I think in part only from never having one) since then even she wont touch it, but little girl now looks forward to ferrtone.
Toby is at a great body weight with oh most no body fat. Izzy has lost 2oz in body weight from the last visit but she has a bit of body fat so we aren't worried about that. I have brought a scale to be able to watch their weight better here at home. Who would have thought that Izzy was the one to have body fat!?!
Both stools came back just fine. Even Master Toby's seedy poop was okay. It looks like that's just going to be kind of normal for him. But I will keep an eye on that so I can see anything that changes. I also think I am going to try and add some lethicin to his soup and see if makes a difference.
Toby got his Distemper shot which he was due for. I have skipped that Rabies shot. He is a little sleepy today and maybe just a bit warm. But eating and drinking just fine. And has enough energy to get into trouble. So I think that's normal for the day after a shot like that.
I have to say the whole office of Dr G. and Dr G himself were just great. I could not be happier with the visit. I had set Toby's apt up a month or so go. A few weeks later I called and asked if we could get one for Izzy too since she would be coming along for the ride. I was able to get one in about 45 minutes after Toby. Not a problem since I would have been sticking around that long anyway. When I got there and checked in. They say they were sorry for that. It was so my fault for not thinking about setting up two apts on the first call.
They allowed me to say in one room while we waited between times. Dr G even said sorry for having to wait when he came back in. He wasn't running behind or anything so that was nice. The kids got to play in a new space and thought that was cool while we waited.
Dr G even came back out into the waiting room to touch on the ear mite thing as we were paying for the visit. We both agreed that giving Revolution was the best way to go for my kids. This is the same stuff that I couldn't get last summer for the ferrets, so that was very cool. The best part was they even gave me the dosage for each of the kids based on their weight. It wasn't like the normal vets who would have made me buy a three month (or six month) supply for kittens and then having to guess was that a whole drop or did I only get half a drop. No worrying about over dosing! They would have put it on for me but I said that was something that I could do.
I couldn't be happier with the visit or the kids health.
November 1, 2008:
Time for another update of the kids! And another Thank You from the family. Izzy is just doing great! Even in this short amount of time it’s hard to think of her not being a part of the family.
On October 16th she went to the Vets and got her shots, so she is up to date on those. She was great in his office and a champ in the car ride. She didn’t sleep in the carrier like Toby does, but she wasn’t upset either.
We did have an issue on October 23, a week later. We had to make another trip to the vets. As you know Izzy has been bugging, chasing and biting at the dog. Well Annie (the dog) and Izzy were left alone for two minutes and the dog must have had enough and nipped at Izzy. There was only a very small Scratch behind her ear, and a pretty good size knot on the top of her head. We called the vet right away (with a phone call to Miss Cathy R while waiting for a phone call back from the vets) and took Izzy to B.A.H. As always Dr E got us right in and took a look at Izzy. She was scared and her head hurt, but he said she was fine otherwise.
On the behalf of Annie, she didn’t mean to hurt Izzy. Even now Izzy has no issues with running up to her and jumping at her or even chasing her. On the other hand, Annie has to keep checking on Izzy and is the first one to say Good Morning when Izzy wakes up. (Toby gets a small lick, but Toby doesn’t bit Annie)
Here are some other ‘milestones’ of Busy Izzy: As of the 14th she is eating real ferret food and Soup too! She is not a fan of Ferretone, Cheweasel, or Foamy Fries, but loves the freeze-dried 100% liver treats and the TF treats.
As of the 18th Izzy and Toby are now sleeping together!!! We were so very happy to see that. Since then they have been sharing the cage together and are still doing great. At bedtime they tend to go to different areas, but in the morning I am finding them cuddled together.
Each day Izzy is getting stronger and her little war dance gets even bigger!
October 11, 2008:
I am sorry that I didn't send an email yesterday, I didn't mean to worry you. Honest I would have been calling you (repeatly until you answered) if something was wrong or if I was overly worried about anything. I wanted to but just didn't have the time to even open email. I had to work (left early so I could run home and play with the ferretS!) Then I had to get some sleep, so mom and dad 'babysat'.
Thank you for letting Toby play with another fur kid. Camp just wipes him out!! He went to sleep as soon as I put him in his carrier to come home and stayed asleep until after I had unpacked the car and got Izzy settled. LOL He does so enjoy playing at your house.
I didn't get to bed until oh most midnight. I wanted to make sure Izzy was settled and alright before. I over stuffed her cage with hammocks and blankets. I wanted to put as much as I could in there to that would remind her of your home. She eat a little and even used the litter box. I haven't seen her miss the box once! She has so much energy! She makes Toby look like he's six years old not just turned one.
Izzy is so funny. She has taken to chasing the dog around. No fear at all, and no sense of 'personal space'. Toby would always flat ferret up to Annie (the dog) and try and get as close as he could before she would move. Not Izzy, she's to busy to take that much time. She just walks up to the dog and climbs up! Annie's not so sure what to do about that one. I even saw Izzy 'nip' at Annie when she got to close trying to smell Izzy. I honesty think Izzy's going to be the one that runs the house.
Mom and Dad are both falling in love with Izzy. At the moment Izzy is in the playpen with her and Toby is running around the living room playing. He got to play in the shower with dad this morning. One of his favorite things. The bathroom is always a non ferret place unless someone is in there.
Izzy is eating and pooping fine. But she doesn't sit down and feast the way that Toby does. So I don't know if its a girl thing, or if she is still a little off from the move. But her poops look the same and she is drinking water. She's a little talker too. When she gets into a new space she just talks and dances around.
Toby and her are playing well together. Toby only wants to play in Tubes as Izzy tends to pin him down every time they wrestle. She's much better at it then him. I am hoping that we can get to a point where everything will be alright. But its only been Two days.
I watched as Toby climbed INTO the playpen when Izzy was sleeping and woke up her to play. So that's got to be a great sign! Thank you for talking Mom and Dad into let me get a friend for Master Toby!
~Mindy, Izzy and Toby too!
October 5, 2008:
She is adjusting well and is happy.
Isabella's story:
Isabella was living in deplorable conditions with a family that was feeding her fruits and vegetables. A wonderful young college student found out that the owner was looking for a home for her so when Kelsey saw how Izzy was living she said she would take her right then.
September 27, 2008:
Hi, my name is Kelsey, and I am a freshman at Alfred University. I recently rescued a ferret from a horrible home. Her name is Izzy, she is a champagne roan, and she was not being treated properly, fed correctly, or getting the attention that she deserved.
I took her in, and since she has grown tremendously (she is not even a year old) and is much happier, as I make sure to play with her often.
However, I know that I am not the proper owner for Izzy. She has the right to a home larger than a dorm room, probably with more ferrets, to give her a different kind of attention. Also, I am really not supposed to have her here.
My family and I are completely willing to take care of her until a home can be found for her. Therefore, you would not need to shelter her, but we would like to make sure that she is given a good, permanent home for the rest of her life. If you could be our middle man, we would appreciate it.
If you could call me as soon as is convenient, I would appreciate it.
Looking forward to talking to you,