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• Surrendered to the Shelter February 19, 2010. |
November 27, 2013:
Titch has left for the Rainbow Bridge.
October 13, 2013:
A message to Titch from his long tailed friend:
Hi good friend - all is excellent here. I am lying under the laptop telling my mom what to write- thought you would like to know that my moms finally figured out that when I stop jumping onto the commodes to get a fresh drink of water, that's when and only then will I think of myself as an old cat.
They talk about my age a lot- and I expect to live to be 20 or so, if they keep feeding me tiny meals all day every day and don't let me out (darn) to be a coyote snack!
Now for a lap nap- cheers good buddy. Get that winter coat, eat well, and stay happy- your long tail friend
August 4, 2013:
A message to Titch from his long tailed friend:
James snitched on me and told my moms that I have been sleeping in the fireplace. Now this is no easy trick because I have to jump up 2 feet to the hearth, walk around the large sculpture in front of the fireplace screen, then squeeze behind the fireplace screen, and then find a place under the candle holder with the 9 "electric" candles to find a comfy spot. And James told them I am leaving black paw prints around- what do you expect? I know that Marilyn really cleaned it out before they left for the summer but stillllllllll
I hear that James gets company later this week and then they leave. And I hear I am going across the street for a few weeks until my moms come home. Other dogs and cats have stayed there and like it. I won't go outside there but I can go into the garage to have an "outdoor" time. Some other cat did that and liked it. I'll sniff around and let you know what I think. Your long tailed friend Hannah
December 27, 2012:
Dear far away moms and Hannah – here are the pictures Mum took of me for you. These are the presents I chose from the store when Mum took me out to shop. Thank you for my wonderful Christmas presents!
October 16, 2012:
Wow what a day! These girls come to help and they work me to the bone! We got the gang of 8 into their new digs and moved Titch up and over!
January 8, 2012:
Mum was feeling better enough today to take me shopping for my Christmas you and your moms sent money to me for – take a look at what I picked out for myself – thanks for thinking of me – Titch
August 17, 2011, communication between Titch & Hannah:
Hannah: Hey good buddy- hope you are really feeling better- green poo sounds dreadful!!!!
Titch: Hi my long tailed friend – yeah green poo is awful – but I am feeling much better – mum just gave me a big bowl of duck soup – I love that stuff! if any of us fur kids get sick we get soup 2 times a day.
Hannah: Since I was a kitten, I have always liked sleeping in planters, pots of flowers - real or silk-, flower boxes.
Titch: Don’t the flowers hurt your belly?
Hannah: And finally I found one here last evening- the box of cool leaves and yellow gerber daisies hanging off the front porch rail- perfecto as mom would say- so while I was lounging outside, I decided to jump into it instead relaxing on my green cushion on the chair.
Titch: Way cool my friend sounds perfect to me.
Hannah: Warm night, huge moon- and mom found me! Woosh- I was whisked out of the hanging flower box.
Titch: Well that is a real bummer!
Hannah: No harsh words but she was laughing!
Titch: That sounds like your mom – your moms have a good sense of humor
Hannah: Maybe when she heads out again today, I'll go back-
Titch: Were you able to get back out there today?
Hannah: stay well!
Titch: Thanks my friend – stay cool
August 16, 2011:
Titch is doing much better – I started him on Albon the 12th his poo is excellent – his eyes are bright again and he looks forward to the dropper of soup with the Albon – actually he prefers I feed it to him while he sticks his head out of his sleep cube – I told him last night he was not King and I not one of his subjects – even that did not get him to come out of the cube – so I had to physically pluck him out of his cube to give him his meds.
August 11, 2011:
Titch was not feeling well yesterday however his poo looks better this morning.
December 27, 2010:
Pssst Hannah are you in there – I heard you had company at your house and the company is making you miserable – I wanted you to know I feel for you – I know how having company in your home can cramp your style – my mum has been neglecting us for days this weekend – all I hear out of her is she needs to get the Giving tree kids pictures taken with the presents that came in – she has not gotten me done with the N-bones you sent me money for – she needs to take me out to the store to get them – right now the store is full of brand new cages – they are supposed to be coming into the shelter today – but mum is still waiting to hear if the girls are coming to put them together.
Mum is fixing everyone dinner too.
I am sending you a picture of me stealing mums toy your moms sent her – I don’t know why she did not take it away from me that time – the first time I stole it she chased me all over to get it back – this time she just grabbed the camera and laughed at me – then she took a picture of me going through presents that the other kids got – I gotta tell ya my long tailed friend - we kids sure get lots and lots of presents – we are so lucky to have so many wonderful humans and fur friends to send us presents for Christmas.
Well my friend – I just wanted to tell you that I am with you in spirit as you suffer the company you have in your home – if you get a minute to get to the computer I would love to hear from you – oh will you tell your moms that mum says she is going to open the box you guys sent her tomorrow or later today if the girls do not end up coming to Naples – we will let you know as soon as she does.
Stay high and dry my long tailed friend
May 31, 2010, communication between Titch & Hannah:
Hannah: Greetings, fast moving buddy! Sure wish you could help your mum get ready for clinic!
Titch: Oh Hannah believe me what you want to do on the week before clinic is just stay away from mum. You call me fast moving? Mums feet do not stop and if you are in the way you will be mowed over. She has no patients for our antics the week before clinic.
I know I got put away when I was supposed to get to play in mum’s space, only I jumped out of the play pen and was hanging out in the play room with the kids mum had in there – I do not know who they were- but when mum found me in the play room instead of the play pen off I went to my cage. You do not mess with mum clinic week.
Hannah: Just wanted to tell you my newest challenge-- Alice Cat got really fat so the moms got her prescription cat food from the vet lady - I don't know the lady - well, since we both eat out of the same bowl, I got that food too. It doesn't taste bad- but certainly not yummy like our old food.
Titch: Oh no! That is just awful to have to eat special diet food.
Hannah: Alice started to lose weight, and so did I- now I have always been pretty trim - not a chunky monkey as you would say. Finally the moms recognized that I am now down right slim and maybe too slim- so someone is going to get new food for me from the vet- and I get my own bowl on the kitchen island. YES! Justice-
Titch: Wow so do you have your new food that will fatten you up some?
Hannah: I hope I like the new food-- it takes a lot to get everything perfect in our lives, doesn't it?
Titch: If you have your new food do you like it? If not I will sneak some of mine in the mail for you, you will like my food it has lots and lots of fat and protein in it- if you do not know fat and protein is what makes food taste awesome.
Hannah: Like last evening I was yelled at for getting on the dining room table that has been set for the dinner party tonight- just wanted to see the new flowers up close and make sure the napkins are folded properly- I sat on them to be sure the creases were in the right places- my moms were not happy-
Titch: Oh dear is sounds as though you and I were both in the poop house last week. I guess your moms and my mum have their limits on what they will put up with when we misbehave.
Hannah: "Hannah, get down!"- I hear that a lot- and I scooted down, not breaking any stemware or anything-
Titch: Way to go Hannah that must be hard to do too because of your extremely long tail.
Hannah: BTW, the other night I did my famous spiral dance among the wine glasses and got a real breathy gulp from one guest that I didn't touch a single one with my famous tail—
Titch: I expect they did gulp! You are so funny.
Hannah: It's a holiday weekend, I hear- at least this one doesn't come with fireworks- I hate fireworks- even thunderstorms- how about you?
Titch: Unless the big noise hits real close to our house we pay no attention to it. I am sorry the big noise frightens you.
Will your moms put cotton in your ears? Our mum gives us ferretone when we are frightened of something, if we get scared mum picks us up and offers the ferretone bottle for us to lick for a bit. That teaches us that what frightened us is really okay. That is how mum teaches the real biters that come here to learn not all humans’ hands are hurtful. It works maybe your moms could get you some ferretone to try?
Hannah: Hope your mum is not too crazy this weekend! Hannah, your champion
Titch: Mum had a crazy Saturday and Sunday but today she is going to go see Kay so she will get a bit of down time. I hope you, Alice and your moms are doing well.
Whisker tickles,
May 13, 2010:
So far away mom Marilyn I had shelter mum look for a link that teaches weasel dancing. I think she found the perfect site for us!
This site not only shows you the weasel dance in action it also has still photos so you can copy that particular step to practice with another. Shelter mum says it is choreographed, you are learning weasel dancing I am learning new vocabulary words.
If you wish to use a wine glass instead of a stuffed toy as a prop you can; but it better be a plastic one because the dance can get a bit rough at times.
Also it is more fun to do the weasel dance with a friend so maybe you can talk far away mom Kathy into weasel dancing with you. Let me know how you make out with the sample of weasel dancing we sent you.
YouTube link!
Sending whisker tickles and wet nose kisses
Titch your far away boy.
March 30, 2010, communication between Titch & Hannah:
Titch: Hey Hannah how are you my lovey?
Hannah here - the spring package is coming USPS priority mail and not Brown Truck- sometimes my moms work to save money- and funny thing, the box could get to you faster and cheaper if they sent it priority mail and not parcel post or UPS- go figure- anyway, the goal in this house is to save money some places so there are options where to spend it other places- sort of a game for the moms here- H.
Titch: Funny Shelter mum plays those same games all the time too. Humans are really funny some times aren’t they? Thanks for letting me know I will make sure mum keeps a look out for the box. Have a wonderful peaceful Easter my long tailed friend. Our shelter mum is hoping people think she is not home and they let her have a day with us all by herself after she takes care of old lady Kay.
Whisker tickles and a wag of a tail
March 12, 2010, communication between Titch & Hannah:
Titch: HELLOOOOOOO Hannah, you gorgeous long tailed hunk of fur! I must say I have the best far away family than any one of the other kids here at the shelter.
Hannah: Hi Titch! The moms put three months' support in the mail today.
Titch: Holy Moly there is no doubt I have the best far away family in the world.
Hannah: We learning about ferrets by the day and don't know if we are sending enough to supply you with good food and a clean cage and play room. Ask Shelter Mum to be more direct!
Titch: Mum says that being a far away family is not only important to us it is important to the family that choose us, so there is NO set amount for any of us because some humans can afford more than others and we do not want anyone that helps mum take care of us to feel they are any less important than someone else. So I expect that what ever you sent Hannah will be exactly the right amount divided by 3.
Hannah: For sure, if you get sick, make sure your Shelter Mum sends us your medicine and vet bills.
Titch: Mum says she can do that for sure.
Hannah: We know the gentle care and the snuggles from Shelter Mum are priceless!
Titch: Boy that is for sure, do you know I have gained 1 full pound and mum says I may even get a bit bigger. She is so proud of me because I am now eating the best ferret food instead of the yucky stuff the other human that had me was feeding me.
See we ferrets need 30% protein and at least 25% fat in our diet. We do not have the ability to digest fruits and veggies. We metabolize our food in about 4 hours so when humans feed us the inexpensive foods (that I was being fed) we can live on it but we do not thrive on it. There is not enough protein and fat in it to keep our weight up to where it should be, and there is too much fiber so we do not get a lot of nutrition out of it. Mum knows exactly what we need to thrive so she makes sure we have all the correct food sources to put on and keep the weight we need, because when we get sick we can loose 50% of our weight in less than a day.
Mum says she and our favorite Doc have a better chance getting to the bottom of what is making us sick when we have enough weight to sustain us for a day or so even when we do loose it.
Hannah: I had a huge surprise the other night. A very large brown poodle came to play with Lily, my poodle.
Titch: YOU have a poodle? How cool is that?
Hannah: Now Lily pays no attention to us except to let us walk in front and sometimes under her.
Titch: It is neat that Lily lets you do that.
Hannah: But this brown giant reportedly had no experience with cats who rule.
Titch: I know Cats rule too, mum told me that right after I moved in here although the 2 we have live outside/in the basement because they were dropped off as barn cats. Mum lets them come into the basement because she says it is warmer and better for them than the barn.
Hannah: He walked very fast down the hall when he saw me. I disappeared into one on my hiding places ( I am a very experienced hiding cat).
Titch: You are very smart too Hannah.
Hannah: So much for entertaining him!
Titch: Did Lily entertain him instead?
Hannah: And was I glad to sit in the front window of the office and watch him leave after his play date with Lily!
Titch: You have a pretty awesome window to sit in for sure; our mum does not let us up in the windows.
Hannah: I fear he will return because he and Lily seem to be getting along especially well.
Titch: Well Hannah when he does you just go to your mom’s computer and drop me an email. I love hearing from you, I do believe we are going to have a wonderful long distance relationship.
Hannah: On some issues, Lily has no sense! H.
Titch: Oh my what do you mean Lily has no sense, I find that hard to believe? Well mum says she has to go out to work on that big yellow thingy so I need to get off the computer. Thanks for checking in on me tell your moms’ I said hi and thanks for allowing you to use the computer.
Off to do the weasel dance, Titch
February 24, 2010:
Titch is officially a shelter kid! He was getting soup from a dropper from the day he came in, this morning I gave him 15 mls from the dropper set him on the floor in front of the dish of soup. His little nose went into the dish and he started finishing the bowl of soup.
That officially makes him a "well on his way to being fattened up shelter kid."
Initial contact, Becky:
Dear Brenda, My name is Becky and my daughter bought a ferret about two years ago. He is a fun loving social fellow and he quickly became part of our family. However, as she is getting older he isn't receiving the proper care that he should. My daughter and I had a heart to heart and she finally agreed that it would be in his best interest if he was given up for adoption to allow someone else that can be consistent with his care take over. All of his shots and medical care are up to date as this is something that fell under my area of concern. I am afraid for his general health as I often find him without food and even more important, sometimes his water container is empty. I hate to have him suffer because she has become too busy or distracted to attend to all of his needs.
If you would be able to take him into your care until someone is able to adopt him, I would be both grateful and re leaved. I have let my daughter know that she would still be expected to financially care for him until he finds a new home.
Please let me know if you have room for him. He is friendly with humans and other pets and he doesn't bite. He isn't housebroken when he is out of his cage, but otherwise he is clean in his cage. We have the cage if you want it and of course his basic supplies. It breaks my heart to have to let him go, but I don't have the time to give him the exercise and cleaning care he needs.
Thank you for your help in this matter.
Follow ups:
Hi Brenda, His name is Titch. We think he is about 3 1/2 to 4 years old. His shots are due in August and he went to Chili Animal Hospital in Chili, near Rochester.
Thank you so much, Brenda. My daughter is going to be out of town this week for Winter Break and would rather not be here when he leaves so would Friday be ok for us to bring him? It would probably be after lunch sometime.