Bandit & Gambit
• They arrived at the Shelter on December 26, 2013. |
January 2, 2016:
Dear Bandit,
Mum told me you've being feeling pretty cruddy. I'm sorry about that, bud. I wish there was something I could do to help. I know you're in good hands. I'm thankful for that.
There's something I want you to know. If you want to go, you have my blessings. If you want to stay, that's okay too. I know Mum will do everything she can to make you comfortable. You may not see it that way, and I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you were less than cooperative. Don't worry about that. Just know that Mum and I both love you, and want the best for you.
Dear Far away Mom...I'm still here but I am so tired. I don't want to fight anymore I just want to sleep. Mum held me this morning and told me what you said, and she told me you both love me enough to let me go. Thanks for all you did to help Mum take care of me.. I love you so much. - Bandit
PM Update: Bandit left for the Rainbow Bridge today.
January 1, 2016:
Bandit is not doing well, I discovered yesterday morning that he had not eaten his soup the night before, he was covered in poo so he got a washing before I left for Brockport yesterday. He does not want anything. This morning He has black sticky poo on his pee pad so I moved him out of the cage into the sick pen, since Damian has had that mass removed I moved him into Bandit's cage. Bandit was up pacing when I got down stairs, I started him on Moxy, he took a couple of droppers of soup before he pushed away from me. I think I will start him on fluids to see if that helps.
December 30, 2015:
We are am so blessed to have so many helpen Mum take care of us. Thanks so much for helpen Mum make our Christmas at the shelter special...We hope you had a wonderful Christmas too. - Bandit
December 31, 2015:
Lauri -
Something is up with Bandit. I discovered he had not finished he soup with meds last night, I found him in his round bed sleeping sprawled not curled this morning. That is not a good sign. He did not want his meds this morning, took a couple of licks and went back to bed. I am off to Brockport this morning I will be gone most of the day with a kid that needs surgery. I will check in with you when I get home.
December 8, 2015, from their far away mom:
Seasons Greetings Bandit I,
I have some exciting news. Santa Claus himself emailed me about three very special furkids Christmas wishes. He wanted to assure me that a certain coolio present was ready and wrapped. Mr C. and the elves are super busy right now, so he couldn't promise delivery on the 25th. He'll do his best and hopes no one will be disappointed if the package isn't under the tree Christmas day.
p.s. The big guy is slipping in a surprise for Mum too.
December 8, 2015, from their far away mom:
Hello Brenda and Bandit I,
So, I met Dr. Olsen yesterday. Nice guy, approachable, didn't feel intimidated by him. He checked out the situation with my parotid gland, asked a lot of questions, did a pretty thorough exam and prescribed another course of antibiotics. I'll start those once I'm done with the ones I'm taking now. He won't even mention surgery until the infection is no more. I have another appointment with him in three weeks.
While I was waiting in the exam room (major ugh), I spotted the good doctor's business card. Remember when I told you Dr. O was a top-notch ENT surgeon? Holy shit, he's a double professor teaching other ENT doctors. I'm fairly confident I'm in good hands.
Now, if I could just eliminate the waiting game (waiting to go into an exam room, followed by waiting for the medicos to show up). I noticed that each exam room is kitted out with a couch.
Maybe next time I'll just stretch out and catch some zzz's. If I have to wait, I might as well be comfortable.
Take care,
July 25, 2015:
All cages tagged get Moxy even if their poo looks better, they need Moxy for 10 days. Once they are done, I mix the bowls of soup for the kids that need Pred and Moxy but are well enough now that they are eating their full bowl of soup. Then I move on to the ferrets that are on Pred. Once I have meds done I start fluids. Bandit is finally coming around he is getting his meds in a bowl of soup he ate every drop this morning.
July 24, 2015:
Oryx and Bandit are still struggling. They are the only two at this time getting fluids.
I am so glad I introduce soup to the kids when they come in, meds are so much easier on me and them. Several kids are still getting a dropper of soup with meds because they don't eat a full bowl of soup but at least they are not fighting me when they realize it is soup.
July 23, 2015:
AM: Bandit does not seem to be responding. No new icky poo boxes found this morning so far.
PM: Bandit was eating but he has icky, sticky poo.
July 21, 2015:
We are up... more kids sick. Bandit would not eat his soup last night or this morning so he got a Dex shot.
March 13, 2015:
Greetings and Salutations Bandit,
I had the nicest surprise waiting for me after I got home from my Dr's appointment today. Thank you for my pretty butterfly card and the sweet message inside it. Your wish came true Bandit. I'm sure of it, cause I got warm fuzzy feelings all over me as I read it.
The official word from the doc is I'm on the mend and complete the course of meds. I left feeling as though I could have called the visit in. Oh well, at least I got to enjoy the fresh spring air and that was good.
Thank you Mum for helpen Bandit take care of me.
February 16, 2015:
I missed getting Bandit up before I left so he is up for the night. Fortunately I have enough rooms to let him be up all night.
December 26, 2014:
Before Mum came up to bed last night she stripped 2 of our cages that we were going to be put in this morning. Mum put our new bedding in our cages this morning before she put us away. Sasha (me) has so much Mum could not get it all in my cage so Mum put one of my pieces in Bandit's cage with the piece he got for Christmas from his far away Mom. We Kids get to use our gifts first then once it is washed it goes in the general use pile. But since I could not get another piece in my cage I told Mum to let Bandit use it.
Thank you for all the beautiful bedding we got for Christmas
Sasha and Bandit
December 8, 2014:
Bandit's Far away Mom sent him his Christmas. Look at him enjoying all his presents. Thanks Far away Mom for all my wonderful presents. Bandit
October 19, 2014:
Dear Bandit,
It's been forever since I've heard from you. I hope you're well, and that Mum appreciates everything you're doing to help her with the furkids. With the shelter packed to the rafters, someone has to supervise and/or corral all the newbies. How else are they going to learn which end is up? Seeing as you're brilliant and a natural leader, I figure you stepped up to the plate and that's why I haven't gotten a letter from you. Like Mum, you're crazy busy. Take care of yourself, sweet boy of mine.
Your faraway mom, Lauri
P.S. Your paper that works like money is on its way.
I have been telling Mum for a week I needed to check in.. she kept telling me I needed to wait till she got things under control. We had CIO a week ago so that kept Mum and volunteers busy.. we had a new kid (kit) come in and she shared the yuckies with us elders. Mum has had 15 of us on medicine 2 times a day, we lost Zelda to the yuckies. Mum has kept all the rest of us from getting really sick. I had the last of my medicine last night. I am done, but a few of the other fur kids still have a few more days. I am doing better now thanks. Yea no kidding - we sure are. I was not feeling so good to do that... I got the yuckies in the first round.
No kidding, Oak got on top of the refrigerator this morning...Mum could not believe what she saw her doing... Mum needs a step stool to get up there, not Oak. VBG
No sadly I was under the weather with all the other 14 fur kids… things are starting to look up and get better, Mum even got to clean some up here in her space.. the steam mop died so now she has to figure out what she is going to do to clean up after us, I heard her tell Fluffy Ginger she was not going to allow us up in her space any more.. that makes me sad.
I am doing better thanks for checking in, I love you far away Mom - Bandit
September 24, 2014:
Hey far away Mom, I got my paper that works like money all $50.00 of them. Mum says I am back to my happy crazy self. It took a bit of time for me to get over losing my buddy Gambit but I know he is in a better place now and no longer has a bellyache. I chase Mum and dance with he. Thanks for helpen Mum take care of me.
Dear Happy Crazy Bandit,
Did you know that we have a lot in common? I'm generally happy, definitely crazy and dance whenever the mood hits me. Although I've got a feeling you're a much better dancer than I am.
I bet you're glad Mum is home. How was life with Miss Lisa and Mr. Dan? Did you steal remotes/play hide & seek with them? Did they remember to give you your N-Bones? I sure hope they did.
Thanks for writing. I think about you all the time, beautiful boy.
September 01, 2014:
In answer to your question, 5' 6" (rim shot).
I've been busy doing a major clean of my apartment. I keep telling myself it's a treasure hunt because I keep finding things I had lost track of. It's a lot of work for a lazy slob, but it will be worth it.
I know Mum is going back to driving the big yellow thingy tomorrow, which kind of sucks for her. I'm sure she would much rather stay home and love on you and the rest of the furkids. If you guys didn't insist on being fed regularly she could. But you won't, so she can't. Also, since when does the lack of snooze alarms have any effect on you. You're a ferret, buddy. You can snooze any time you want to, like me, except I'm not a ferret.
Please be a good boy while Mum is away in New Mexico. Remember, Happy (rested) mum equals happy adored (spoiled) carpet sharks.
I love you too Bandit. Many bunches of lots.
August 05, 2014:
Hi Bandit. I'm sitting here enjoying a cup of coffee. I got to thinking about you so I thought I would send you an email. How are you doing? Hide any remotes lately? It's a gray day here in Albert Lea, but I like it. Temperature is on the cool side, but comfortable. Maybe the sun will pop out later.
Mum sent me a card with your picture on the inside of it. I like your white toes, and the tuft of white hair on your chest. The bits of white are distinctive. You stand out from the other furkids.
Have you been out in the play yard lately? I know Naples had a heatwave a few weeks ago. Miserable for ferrets and their humans.
I hope you've been a good boy, and given Mum a break.
Gambit asked me to love extra on you. Consider it done.
July 28, 2014:
Dear far away mom, I am all better! My lip is back to normal and I am doing well. Mum says I am doing better with my attitude too. When Gambit left for Rainbow Bridge I was angry he left me behind. Mum let me hang out with her in her space. She tried to love on me but I was so angry I bit her real hard 2 times. Then I got in the sick pen to beat up Ginger.
Mum said she understood I was upset but beating on Ginger was not acceptable so she put me down stairs in the bathroom. I got to spend the night in Mums space last night and I am doing better. I love you far away Mom.
Far away mom:
I miss him too Bandit. I'm glad your lip is all better, and that you're back to your handsome self. Please try to understand that Gambit was very sick. He fought with all his might to get better, and it's not fair it wasn't enough.
I wish I could somehow make Gambit's passing easier for you. All I can do is reassure you that Mum, Miss Tori, and me love you very much and will do our utmost to keep you happy & safe.
Your faraway Minnesota mom,
June 28, 2014:
Frenchie's bottom is prolapsed again and Jenkins is dealing with the same issue, so I am treating both. I have been soaking Fluffy Ginger in the tub of water to get that scab softened over the stitch she has on the bottom of her foot. As long as I am dunking I dunk Gambit as well to keep him cleaned up.
Sandy I have no idea what if anything there is to do for her, she eats very little there was a small poo in her cage this morning. We are using the porch giving us an extra hole to fill, I put Sandy in the play pen. I tried to give her my space yesterday but she went right back down stairs. I will let her do what she wishes how she wishes. She seems happiest in the play pen.
July 27, 2014:
Bandit's face is all better. I have no idea what caused the problem but we got it fixed, we will continue to do 10 days of antibiotic as prescribed.
July 25, 2014:
This little guy that we rescued from deaths door on December 26, 2013 left for Rainbow Bridge on July 24, 2014. Gambit weighed 1# 1oz when we took him in. He did not have the ability to walk, we thought it was due to malnutrition, however as he got stronger and better we discovered it was more likely he had a spinal injury. He learned to get around nicely at the shelter. He loved spending time up in Mum's space. Mum had to bring him up but he and his buddy Bandit had the run of Mums space when they got up there.
Miss Tori got the boys out to the play yard on clinic day. This picture is of Gambit that day. His little body just could not keep up with the constant bladder infections due to the inability to pee on his own. Mum had to express him several times a day. He was a treasure, we were blessed to have had him for the 7 months we did. Fly high little one, you will be missed.
July 24, 2014:
Gambit is gone. I got the boys up for soup and meds this morning before work. I gave Gambit his meds, he was still crying long after I gave him the meds. I had made the decision to call OFD when I got home from work. I got busy and forgot to call, I had a cage to set up for Dixie so I did that and then started moving kids in and out of cages. When I got to Bandit and Gambit's cage I saw Gambit was sleeping with his head towards the cage doors. I thought that odd. It was odd, he was gone. His discomfort is over. Bandit is edgy this afternoon. I am sure he knew Gambit was gone he had moved himself up to the hammock. He has been sleeping with Gambit on the floor of the cage these past few days.
July 23, 2014:
It appears that what we are doing for Bandit is working, it looks like his upper lip is less swollen. Gambit on the other hand I am not so sure we are not looking at a trip to Doc to let him go. I am keeping him in pain meds, he is more than willing to eat and drink but I cannot get enough urine out of him to make him comfortable without pain meds. I am thinking we have the same scenario we had with Stevie, he was peeing some but when Doc expressed him he got sludge, I am betting that is the same thing we have going on with Gambit.
July 22, 2014:
Bandit's Report:
- Scenario #1: Doc says he is not sure what this is. He ruled out teeth, he said there may be a sliver or something that he got we cannot see. OFD says he does not want to open the lip because there is not enough skin there to close neatly (normal size lip) so he felt he would do more damage than it was worth. I am to stop the cream antibiotic, we have added Baytril to his soup along with Moxy. He hopes if this is something he has in his skin it will fester and pop out. If infection of sorts that Moxy will not touch the Baytril should.
- Scenario #2: If this does not do the trick we may be dealing with an allergic reaction to something, OFD asked me if I had heard about some really long word; then explained how the lips and surrounding area of the mouth get red, itchy, burn and swollen. I said yes when I get into gluten. He said this could be the same thing for Bandit. If the antibiotic does not work we go to steroid (Pred) if that does not work.
- Scenario #3: Then we probably have a huge problem with a cancer, He said this cancer is fast, and aggressive and there is nothing we can do for it. BUT his words - we are not going to worry about that until we know the other 2 scenarios don't work, Bandit sure does not seem to be bothered by it. He was bouncing off the walls when we got home last night.
Gambit: I cannot get enough pee out of him, he is uncomfortable and cries when I squeeze his belly to express him. He is on Moxy and Baytril as well.
July 20, 2014:
Bandit does not seem to be getting any better so I called Jackie to see if she could get him to OFD. I am going take him with me to Honeoye (bus) and Bob is going to meet up with us at school to grab him. Jackie has to go for blood work so when she is done there they will run Bandit up to Doc. I will call them to let them know when I get in from my morning run.
July 19, 2014:
I needed to start Gambit on injectable Baytril tonight he is not peeing easily for me even though I have had him on Moxy for as long as Sho has been. I discovered Bandit had a scab on his nose again, so I took him out of the cage to look at it. His little face is all swollen, I took the scab off and put antibiotic cream on the area, then gave him some Moxy mixed in ferretone. Coleen was here surrendering her ferrets so I did not want to take the time to make soup. He got soup and Moxy tonight. He looks uncomfortable I hope I can get whatever it is controlled. I looked at his teeth it does not appear to be any problem with them.
July 12, 2014:
So you know those N-bones you get us? Mum has taken to giving us each 2 at a time, mostly because Bandit does not want the one she gives him he wants mine. So with 2 I get to keep one of mine and then get the one of the ones he won't touch because Mum gave it to him. This morning Mum was leaning over us putting sticks on the blanket where I was and Bandit tried to get into the package Mum was holding. She let him stick his nose in, he backed out turned around and took one of my sticks.
Mum keeps telling him they come out of the same package there is no difference BUT he likes mine best. He is a poop head far away mom. Mum put me back on antibiotic yesterday she was having trouble getting me to pee, she got a good stream out of me this morning so I was developing another infection.
I love you far away mom
Far away mom:
You got that right, Gambit. Bandit is, and continues to be a poophead. I think I got it right when I dubbed him Bandit the Brat.
I'm glad Mum caught the infection right away and got a good stream of pee out of you.
I love you too, my special guy
Far away Mom, Lauri
June 25, 2014:
Dear far away mom, wait till you hear what I did last night! Mum let me and Gambit have her space all night. Mum forgot I like remote controls, and Mum has 4 of them, 3 of them she tucks into her slipper so she has them at her fingertips when she wants them. Well when she woke to turn off the AC last night she discovered I had found the remotes in her slippers and I moved them. She was sputtering all kinds of things as she had to get up out of bed and reach for them.
Hee hee I love to play tricks on Mum! She ruffled my fur and moved her slippers out of my reach.
I love you, Bandit
Far away mom:
Bandit, Bandit, Bandit (shaking head in disbelief) When are you going to learn taking Mum's remotes isn't a good thing? Sure, it's fun for you, not so much for Mum. I can imagine what Mum was sputtering. I did the same when I realized my snot-monsters (affectionate nickname....really) had out-smarted me again.
I hope Mum enjoys the (temporary) safety of her remotes, cause something tells me it's only a matter of time before you snatch them again.
I love ya, buddy.
P.S. Lay off Mum's remotes!
June 24, 2014:
Dear Bandit and Gambit,
I got your card (the one with Pickles on the front) today. It seems the blessings have come full circle, and then some. I like it when that happens.
Thank you and much love,
June 11, 2014:
I love hearing from you. I'm thrilled you're being a ferret. You're definitely living up to your name. (Mum maybe isn't thrilled with your thievery. She's used to it, just not a huge fan of it.)
I am concerned I haven't heard from Gambit. I worry about the little guy, and hope he's doing well. Look out for him, Bandit. Please.
P.S. Do you need more n-bones?
Second email from their far away mom:
I won't be there for clinic day (no big surprise), but I want to donate baby food too. I can (A) send baby food in the mail, or (B) I can cut y'all a check and mail that off. (C) Maybe I can contact Wegman's about a gift certificate. Please let me know which method the furkids and Mum prefer.
P.S. The play yard sounds wonderful. I'm so glad it was repaired.
Lauri (Bandit's & Gambit's far-away Minnesota mom)
June 7, 2014:
I gave Gambit a week's break from antibiotic and now he has another bladder infection, so we are back on Baytril injections. He was crying last night in discomfort. I guess he will be on antibiotic everyday for the rest of his life. I was jumping from Moxy to Baytril pills so he did not become immune to one or the other. This morning when I picked him up he started peeing so the meds must be taking care of the infection he is peeing freely again, he still needs my help but at least when I hold him up right I do not need to squeeze his bladder as hard.
May 30, 2014:
Hey guys! It's your faraway mom checking in. How are things going with you two?
Did you know that you were the first furkids that got to check out the renovated play yard? Pretty cool. Bandit, I'm glad you decided the play yard is a fun place. Do you think you can convince Gambit that it's okay to let loose and have fun? I would love to see pictures of you guys romping and/or doing the weasel war dance.
Take care of yourselves. I love you.
Bandit & Gambit's response: Hey far away mom! So good to hear from you! We got to spend the night in Mum's space last night… she had to put her slippers up on the table because I was going to steal them. She puts the remote controls in them for the night.. (easy for her to find when she is half asleep. I thought for sure they were mine but she put the slippers up where I could not get to them.
Yes, Mum told us we got to use the new fixed play yard first, Mum says she will give us another shot when it is not going to rain or be too hot, to give Gambit more time to get use to being out there. Mum says she will work on that for you.
We love you too
Bandit and Gambit
May 20, 2014:
Bandit and Gambit get to use the play yard for the first time ever and first before anyone else after it is fixed!
April 8, 2014:
There was a bit of a glitch with my ride home from OFD today, Miss Brie picked me up. But Miss Stephanie said her day was a bit cramped and she was not sure she would be able to get to Mum in time so Mum could get to work on time. Mum told Miss Stephanie to go about her day she would get in touch with Miss Brie. Miss Brie got me to Mum with enough time to get home and get us settled so she could go to work. I am sure glad to be home!
Thanks Miss Brie for the ride, Miss Steph we hope your day get a bit easier.
- Gambit
April 7, 2014:
Looks like I am going to Brockport today. I still cannot get Gambit to pee. I could not get to sleep last night it was near 9:30 the last I looked at the clock. I did not get up till 3:45. I need to get things settled so I can be away and back before I have to go to work this afternoon.
Update, AM: I got Gambit a ride to Doc. Donna Z is going to meet me in Avon - she could not get there till later so I will leave for Avon at noon, meet her at TW at 12:45 then I will go directly to work when I get back into town. In the mean time I gave him a Baytril injection since we know the Moxy is not working maybe the Baytril will. At this point it is not going to hurt.
She saved us again!
Update, PM: I got Gambit to Avon to meet up with Donna Z she got him to doc. I got back to town to get to work with 10 min to spare. I am waiting for doc's call, Candy said he has looked at him but she has not answers for me.
Email to Brie: Gambit got rushed to the hospital today - I just spoke to Doc and he can come home. Can one of you help me get him home tomorrow? If you want to meet 1/2 way it needs to be between my bus run...after 8 am before 1 pm.
Thanks in advance
April 2, 2014:
Dear far away mom, the box of treats you sent got here today.. Wow we have lots of N-bones! Thank you so much for helpen Mum take care of us. I had Mum open a package as soon as she got them out of the box! We love you! - Gambit
Email from their Far Away Mom: Wow, that's a nice surprise. I got a surprise in the mail too. I am so sorry my Dynamic Duo (that's you two) had such an awful experience. Thank God for Ashley and Mum. I'm glad to hear you've put on weight, grown soft coats, and wrestled with each other. Keep up the good work.
P.S. Yes, there are lots of N-Bones. That's so you can share them with your cousins. Don't worry. I'll keep you stocked. Just let me know when you need more.
P.P.S. We really need to talk toys.(Remote controls are not toys, Bandit.) Do you like them? Do you want some? What tickles your fancy?
April 1, 2014:
Email from their Far Away Mom: Good morning Bandit & Gambit,
A package is on its way to you. It's scheduled to arrive Thursday (4-3-14). I hope you like it. I think you will. Please let me know.
Faraway-mom Lauri
Email to Dr. Sandra from Shelter Mum: Gambit, found him covered in blood in and out of littler box - rinsed under faucet seems no injury. It appears he is peeing blood, bright red blood - Doc is not available today, staff on duty does not know ferrets. What if anything can I do for him. He is eating, drinking showing (at this time) no signs of distress. Gotta go to work now.
Email from Dr. Sandra:
Peeing blood -- or pooping blood?
I'd start Moxy, a dose of metacam if you have it, and a dose of lupron if you have some........As well as some SQ fluids.
First time offender? Any other illness?
Email to Dr. Sandra from Shelter Mum: I believe he has Insulinoma and most defiantly adrenal disease. He is on Pred 1/4 tab 2 times a day - these are the kids we took in at Christmas - that were so neglected. Your directions to treat from then are here on this link if you wish to see what we did. Anyway Doc took him off Pred, slowly, I almost lost him. I put him back on with the amounts you have taught me to use/start with and progressively increased the dose until he was doing well on it.. that happened to be 1/4 tab 2 times a day.
Thanks, Brenda
March 30, 2014:
Gambit is doing wonderfully, I got a steady stream of pee out of him this morning, and he is no longer messing all over himself.
March 29, 2014:
Dear far away mom, we understand how sad you are about losing your boy Snowy. We hope we can make you as happy with us as you were with him. We are so proud to have a far away mom that wants to love us from a distance. Mum says we can tell you that our favorite treat is N-bones. We get one each every day.
We hope your heart does not hurt too badly and we will do our best to make you smile
Love you
Bandit and Gambit
Thank you Bandit and Gambit. My heart is going to be fine. It's just going to take some time. Just so you know, I'm smiling right now thinking about you two. I've read your story (love the pictures), and am looking forward to learning more about you.
Your Minnesota mom,
(You saw this coming.) Chicken flavored Ferret Chew Sticks - yes or no.
How many kids get these? (If I'm going to shop for the boys I might as well shop for the whole crew.)
(for my own curiosity) Are N-Bones related to Nylabones?
March 28, 2014:
I got Snowy's card today. The photo is a wonderful remembrance. As I was reading it, it dawned on me that while Snowy has moved on to the ultimate forever home he's still and will always be my furkid and I'll always be his now really faraway mom. There will never be another ferret like Snowy. He was a once-in-a-lifetime ferret, but then they're all special. I miss him.
Okay, enough sad/serious stuff. I'm looking forward to getting to know Bandit & Gambit and spoiling them. It's a pity the company that makes Foamy Fries & Cheweasels folded. A shower of treats would be a great way to introduce myself to the boys.
March 23, 2014:
Gambit is doing much better, he has some sparkle back in his eyes, Bandit was finger boxing with me this morning, he is becoming a real ferret.
March 13, 2014:
Gambit is doing wonderfully, I got a steady stream of pee out of him this morning, and he is no longer messing all over himself.
January 12, 2014:
It was a quiet day, with the boarders gone we were able to let first shift stay up till 2 as they got time in Mum's space for an hour they then went to bed. I tucked Bandit and Gambit in last. Bandit got to try out the rice bin; oh my did he discover some fun. He dug and he snorkeled all through the rice. He even tried to get me to come in to join him.
Gambit discovered the barrels to sleep in, was in and out of the pool toy box, I even found him in front of the food bowl eating kibble. I think once they discover they will get up every day they will not fight to get out of the cage before I can close the doors.
January 10, 2014:
The boarders went home so I got the two cages stripped and cleaned. I moved Gambit and Bandit into one of the cages the boarders were using. they are tucked into the top one. It is warmer up there, until Gambit gets a bit more meat on his bones he needs it to be warmer.
Bandit is not a happy camper about being in the cage, they both have made it clear they do not want to be in there, so another indication they were caged and not let out. They will learn quickly that they will get out every day. Donna held Gambit so he could have his meds, he ate the entire the bowl of soup and then some.
He is getting stronger and more steady on his feet. I hope he will eat more kibble now that he is in the cage and it is easier to get to.
January 10, 2014:
Bandit, is doing really well climbing all over, behind him are treats the moist food we use for treats.
Shelter Mum's report to Dr. Sandra on boys' progress:
I thought you might like an update on the new boys. They saw Doc on Friday January 3 Gambit had no muscle mass in his hind end, his bladder was full but he did not seem to mind doc palpating and messing with him. Bandit doc felt was in better shape. They got their vaccines and I was told to start reducing the Pred. I told Doc they were on that and that I had had them on Moxy but we were done with that.
Gambit was showing signs of improvement his poo was getting better, not great but not projectile diarrhea like he had when he came in. I was told to reduce Pred to 1/4 ml 2 times a day from the 1/2 they were getting. By Sunday I was losing Gambit, he had dropped weight again was back to projectile diarrhea, gagging and throwing up.
I put him back on the 1/2 ml of Pred 2 times a day, back on fluids, Carafate and Moxy. I was and still am offering him soup every 2 hours or so. I got him back up to 1# 15.8 oz he is getting stronger but still not walking well on his hind legs. I have Bandit down to 1/4 Pred one time a day for one more day then he is done, he is doing fine he actually has started climbing and acting like a ferret. If I can get Gambit on all 4 of his feet I will be happy. I am keeping them up here in my space so I can monitor their progress better, they have more run time and exercise up here.
January 09, 2014:
I found Gambit bright and ready to have his soup this morning. I think we have won this one! I will continue to feed him every couple of hours just to be sure he is getting nutrition he did not need fluids this morning so we are on the mend.
I laid him on the desk wrapped in a blanket next to me and set the soup bowl in front of him, he just stared at it. I picked him up held him with the bowl in my other hand in front of him and he began to eat. I am betting this is the first time in his life he has been treated with love and kindness.
Bandit came up to see me several times through the night he was looking for the remote control little stink pot. He has 2 more days of morning Pred and he is done.
Take a look at what I found when I got up here to do soup and meds, look at that beautiful face feeling better.
January 08, 2014:
Gambit got fluids and Moxy again this morning. I am now feeding him soup in my arms holding the dish. He ate a lot at the 9:30 feeding so I hope this means he just does not have the stamina to stand to eat. I will offer him soup every couple of hours so he can get his strength back. He is beginning to look brighter. I fed him soup again at 2:30 he was standing at the gate of the living room looking at me when I came up. He is doing much better. So between the meds and the feedings we have him back on track. His eyes have sparkle back in them. Bandit is down to one Pred dose a day he gets that in the morning.
January 07, 2014:
I have Gambit back on Moxy and fluids as of tonight. When I got him up to do meds a bit ago his color was very pale. He is back to projectile diarrhea so with that comes dehydration. I have them up here with me tonight to keep an eye on him. Bandit seems to be holding his own, he is still not engaging but he did at least climb up on the couch to see what I was doing. I put the gate up at the top of the stairs so Gambit cannot fall down them, he still has a hard time keeping his hind legs under him. He would tumble to the bottom if he got anywhere near the steps.
December 29, 2013:
Bandit and Gambit are showing signs of improvement. Bandit had sparkle back in his eyes and Gambit is able to walk better and stand on his feet longer. Both took their meds willingly neither of them needs fluids this morning.
Shelter Mum's report to Dr Sandra:
There is significant improvement in both ferrets. Bandit has the sparkle back in her eyes and Gambit is walking and standing better and longer. Poo is still puddles but not as many and not as large. Light brown color. Gambit did not need fluids this morning. I will weighing them later today. Thanks for your help.
Sandra's Response:
Awesome news!
Bandit may also be an insulinomic made worse by the stress............I'm glad Gambit is doing so much better. Fingers crossed!
December 28, 2013:
Shelter Mum seeking assistance from Dr Sandra:
The 2 new kids that we took Thursday, Gambit was 1# 1 oz on intake, very weak and unable to stand for any length of time.
He came in with diarrhea (green) I have been giving him Carafate, 20 min later Moxy and duck soup. The diarrhea has become brown but the consistency is not improving. I looked though my medical files I do not have anything telling me what I can do to help stop the diarrhea so I am bothering you about it. I am going to start fluids this morning he is slightly dehydrated and his bottom is now getting raw.
He is now strong enough to stand, I have seen him crunching kibble so there is improvement on that end. I am going to take the scale down to weigh him again today. I can no longer see his bones under his skin like I could Thursday so he is retaining some nutrition. His cage mate Bandit is strong, healthy and beefy intake weight 2# 8 oz.
I have them scheduled for vetting Friday 3rd that was the best I could get for vaccines and checkups, however if you feel he needs intervention I will hightail it to Doc Monday morning. He is off Tuesday and they will be closed for the holiday so I would rather do the doctoring myself here if I can.
Looking forward to your expertise and insight on this issue.
I was able to keep up in the shelter and continually clean up and change papers in the playpen for Gambit. Bandit has now started to show signs of shelter shock.
Dr Sandra got back to me so this is what we are doing for them both are getting:
.50 ml Carafate 2 BD
.25 ml Moxy 2 BD
.50 ml Pred 2 BD
Gambit is on 12 cc fluids 2 BD
I weighed them again this morning Gambit has gained . 7 oz Bandit on the other hand has lost a full ounce. Gambit's diarrhea has slowed some, the quantity is less color now brown. If I can keep them going for the next 36 hrs there should be some improvement.
I have seen Gambit eating kibble several times throughout the day I believe Bandit has stopped eating. Neither of them are interested in soup.
December 27, 2013:
New kids Bandit and Gambit - I think the bigger "well" one is Bandit, paper work is still in the van. He is doing great, happy and has an amazing amount of energy that he wants to run off. Gambit - his eyes looked brighter this morning he was responsive when I got to his cage. He did not want to get up but he finally allowed me to get him out of the sleep box and set them into the play pen. He went right back to bed. I did get him to eat some fresh soup. I let him settle some then gave him some Carafate; after the recommended amount of time I gave him some Moxy. His poo is loose and green (not bright green) so I hope with Carafate, Moxy and extra love and attention he will rally for us. He has already put on an ounce or two so getting some weight on his is going to help make him feel better, you could see and feel every bone in his little body when I picked them up last night. I was told by the crew at Petco that they were being fed the cheapest CAT food on the store shelf so they were not getting near enough protein and fat to keep them going. Hopefully they will respond quickly now that they are getting the proper food and care. I need to get them up to Doc for vaccines.
Intake weight for Bandit 2# 8 oz. Gambit intake weight 1# 1 oz.
Initial contact from Canandaigua Petco, December 26 2013:
When I got home from the Brockport medical run I got a call from Canandaigua Petco asking for our help. They had 2 ferrets dropped off for surrender and they are not in very good shape. I tried reaching Iliana to for transporting but she was unable to help so after getting the shelter settled enough to be away again I headed to Canandaigua Petco to pick the ferret up.
The 2 new kids are here, settled in the play room in the BIG cage for now. One looks healthy and happy the second is way skinny but dove into the soup as soon as I put it in the cage so tomorrow I will take the time to weigh them and see if he needs meds. I am too pooped to even clean cages so that will have to be done before I can even put kids away in the morning. I just do not have the energy to do that tonight.