Billy & Suki
• Surrendered to the Shelter June 22, 2014. They found a Forever Home on August 10, 2014! |
April 25, 2018:
He never cuddles...
April 25, 2018:
Bill is doing well today. He's been doing well. No back sliding. He's eating kibble and drinking water and can climb a full flight of stairs. These are all good things. His pee is more highlighter yellow rather than green - which I take as a good sign. I'll keep you posted!
April 23, 2018:
Bill hasn't been well lately. It started on 4/16. We went to get him out for exercise time. He was lethargic and not using his back legs very well. There was a lot of stool all over his cage. I got him out and immediately gave him soup and waited about 30 minutes for him to perk up. He didn't. He sat on my son's lap which he never does. So I took him to the emergency vet which is about a mile down the road. She also happens to be his regular vet. It was a stroke of luck for us. She felt his belly which she knows well, and realized that he had some pockets of fluid in there. She did a sonogram and found two pockets of acites which can indicate liver damage. She felt that this had been going on for a short time & not a sudden thing. She also felt that his tumor was larger from the adrenal disease and it was playing a part in his new symptoms . It came on so fast that i had been worried that maybe he got into a cleaner or something like that but she didn't seem to think that that was the case. She said due to his age that he wasn't a candidate for surgery so she said that we should make him as comfortable as possible. She thought he had about one week to one month left in him but that day was not his day. We started him on an antibiotic and she gave him Sub-Q fluids with vitamins. He continues to eat soup and is doing well.
I tried Carafate & he refuses & when I hide it in soup he then refuses soup. Hes always been fussy like that.
He's been up to some of his old Antics like climbing the stairs & is feisty at times. He gets tired easy too. We are showing him all kinds of live and affection & he's continuing to improve. We are just taking it one day at a time. I'll keep you posted!.
Shelter Response: They all hate it, it is one of those meds that we wear more than they get into their tummies Carafate must be given solo 15 min before any eating. It coats the stomach lining like a band-aid to keep the tummy from ulcerating.
September 13, 2017:
Bill has been acting a bit erratic of late, so i took him into have some blood work done and he's positive for adrenal disease. I'm going to make an appointment to have him seen by Dr Edwards to get the implant. He otherwise looks well. he dropped some weight (he was a little tubby) but has gained some of it back. Hes eating a little less and drinking normally. Just wanted to let you know what we were up to!
Hope all is well with you !
August 7, 2016:
Well, we are all moved. It stressed Bill but he had soup and extra reassurances and seems quite happy in the new house. I think he was more upset about being in the little white cage more than anything. The second they pulled his ferret nation cage off the truck we set it up and got him settled. He is getting along well with the new puppy and hes playing a little with him and dooking. I never leave them alone together though.
Just wanted to keep you up to date on all the goings on. Hope this finds you well!
August 7, 2016:
I'm happy to report that Laverne drank her soup from the bowl this morning after I got her started with the spoon. She ate all but a little sludge in the bottom. We just got back from a day at the Hunter Mt Celtic Music Festival and gave her the Carafate. We'll try her on more soup in a little while. I wanted to double check the dosage on the amoxicillin. I thought I remembered you saying .25 ml, correct? And should we continue it for 7 days or 10? And we think we'll put it in the soup. We gave her the dose this morning directly with the dropper, and she did not like it. She seems to have stopped the teeth grinding/lip smacking behavior, and she's even started to eat the Bandit treats again. We checked. No sugar listed in the ingredients. Thanks again for all your help!
Shelter Mum's Response: That is awesome news! Okay, how did that go? That is correct, I do 10 days here - 7 is the SOP but to be sure I do 10 days. Perfect that works. No they don't, not as bad as they hate Carafate but they do not like it. Perfect that means she is feeling better! Good job Dad! Thank you for being so good at caring for them! Enjoy your day.
July 31, 2016:
He has been eating drinking pooping and peeing. He's taking soup whenever we offer it about 4 to 5 times yesterday. Poops are Brown formed and numerous. Not liking meds but we get them down. His nose & feet were red last night only but not this morning.
Shelter Mum's Response: That is awesome news. You can put the Moxy in soup as long as he is eating his soup, he should not know there is .25ml of Moxy in it. That is how we give meds. I did dropper for Billy because he was not eating soup for me. Okay then we do in fact have some kind of infection his body is fighting so it is good I sent the Moxy home with you. Thanks for the update, I am thrilled he is happy to be home with you. We also taught him that he can come to camp and will get to go home. So don't feel you can't use camp again if you need to. First time camp is hardest, once they find out they are not being dumped they enjoy camp.
July 30, 2016:
This is a pic of a happy boy! He came in and rearranged his toys first and he is eating and drinking!
Shelter Mum's Response: Roseanne that is music to my ears and a song in my heart! God Bless that little boy! He just wanted his family back. Even though he is eating keep the Moxy going for 8 more days .25 ml two times a day. (Needs refrigeration) Keep an eye on his poop, I expect since he is home and eating it will improve quickly. Thanks for letting me know - I am relieved.
July 29, 2016:
Shelter Mum's Email: Well I was not able to get fluids into Bill last night. He fought me with a vengeance and I was not willing to take the chance of hurting him with the needle. I gave it 2 chances then let him go. The Moxy seems to have made a difference his nose and pads are no longer red. I am going to try this morning to get the fluids in him. He spent the night in the play pen again last night.
Owner's Response: He's a stubborn one when he sets his mind to it. One more sleep and he can be home with us! Yes, I am awake - not sure why, not thrilled about it...
Shelter Mum's Response: He is up here with me helping me to clean up my space. Do you have Carafate and Moxy in the house? What time do you think you will be in to get him you and I can get more fluids in him before he goes home with you.
July 27, 2016:
Shelter Mum's Email: Please call again this morning - same time if you can.
Owner's Response: I called at 715 because I didn't see your note before that. I left a message that you can play for him. I will try to call again. Working in office till 1200 then over to 2nd job till 7pm. I will keep trying to call.
Shelter Mum's Response: 8:30 am - I just got 10 mls of soup down him. I will take him down to listen to your message. - I will keep that message so we can use it as I need to thanks.. I will keep you posted how things go.
Update: I am not sure what is going on with Bill, I hope it is only homesick but I would like your permission to check his BG he is refusing to eat kibble and/or soup. I am giving him Carafate before offering soup with a dropper. I force a least on 5 ml dropper into him.
I am keeping his poo from turning black and gooey at least. He was grinding his teeth today, that indicates an upset tummy.. Not eating will certainly make his tummy upset but I wonder if his BG is low which is why he does not want to eat. I did let him listen to your message, all he wanted was down.
A call from you in the morning would be good if you can. Let me know if I can do a BG on him please.
Owner's Response: Please do whatever you need to do help him.
Shelter Mum's Response: I have to leave for work.. he took another 5 mls of soup 30 min ago poo is icky but not bloody - I will let you know what I find out with his BG after I get home from work this morning.
Owner's Response: What time do you get home from work? Maybe we can coordinate as I am late shift today & don't have to be in until 1130.
I missed you by minutes. Do you need to leave at a certain time and 630 is too late? I can get up earlier if that makes it easier. I left another message for him.
July 25, 2016:
Shelter Mum's Email: Billy needs to hear your voice. We need to set up a time for you to call him
Owner's Response: Ok. I will be home at 6 tonight. Am leaving for work now. Will 6pm work?
Shelter Mum's Response: I was concerned for Bill he would not eat this morning or eat soup.. I forced some soup into him this morning then again at noon again at 4 his poops were slimy green this morning they are now brown and puddles - an improvement. I would like him to hear your voice is there a way you can call in the morning before you go to work? I am going to bed - he is settled into bed so if you can call him in the morning he will be up to hear your voice. Good night
Owner's Response: Oh my Billy boo! I didn't realize he wasn't feeling well. From your message I took it that it was just something that you thought would be nice for him not that there was a problem.
I just got this message a few mins after you wrote and was about to call. I got home a couple minutes early. Glad I caught it before I called. Sorry, with traffic I get home near 6pm. I had a full load of patients today. Some days are less but today was full. We will call in the morning around 630?
I talked to the family that Evan is going to visit and they can accommodate him next week. But... I found out the house inspection is weds, so that means if it passes then I can come get Bill as early as Friday night after work or Saturday morning!! We miss our Billy terribly!! Pray the inspection goes ok! I'll talk to you in the morning.
Shelter Mum's Response: Good morning - I know I answered part of this but now I have a few minutes to answer the rest.
When I sent the first message I did not realize Billy was not feeling well either, I get them up then clean their cages AFTER I have had my coffee. So when I got into his cage I saw we had a problem. Sorry for the confusion.
No problem - 25 after 6 would work better if you can; I technically need to leave for work at 6:30 but will be a tad late to get your call if need be.
Okay keep me posted. I have a commitment on Friday afternoon, I will need to be home by meds time but I am not sure what time I will be walking in the door. Tucked in my God Box.
Update: Hi Mom, I am fine. I am the only camper left here. Aunt Brenda has me hanging out with her. Yeah house sold, new house bought! Aunt Brenda's Slinky went to Rainbow Bridge last night. She's lost 4 this month.
I love you Mom...Thanks for checking in.
Owner's Response: Oh no! Aunt Brenda must be so sad! You just lost your best friend forever too, so you probably know how she feels. It's a good thing you're really good at cheering people up! It's so hard when they leave! Please give her a hug for me. She's a very special lady.
July 24, 2016:
Hi Bill! We miss you!! We signed the papers to sell the house and to buy a new one so you should be home soon. We're very lost without you!!
We've had a busy weekend too. Cullen was driving home from his summer job and the truck stopped working so we had to go get him and have the car towed. He's alright but now we are down a vehicle. We wanted to come out to see you but the family that he was coming out to stay with isn't ready for him yet. Hopefully this week sometime, so we will have to let you know when they let us know.
I will let you know the second we can get you back! Xoxo
July 22, 2016:
I did not actually get wet. I stuck my nose under the shower curtain and discovered the water - I opted to stand on the edge of the tub waiting for Aunt Brenda to get done. Good, everything is going along well, Wow that is going fast, guess inspection is tomorrow not yesterday, That would be cool if you could visit.
Thanks I love you Mom Billy
July 21, 2016:
Hey Mom, I got to take a shower with Aunt Brenda this morning. I got to hang with her in the living room first. Two families of campers have gone home so we are getting more out time :-0 I really like camp Mom thanks for letting me come hang here. I love you. Billy
Owner's Response: Lol! I know how you love bathing. :) Glad you're having fun. We countered offered the people wanting to buy the house. Not sure if they'll accept, but here is hoping. Everything is moving along on the new house. Inspection is Monday for that. I am hoping to get out this weekend to see you but we're trying to finalize plans.
Cullen is coming home so we have to work around that.
I will call Aunt Brenda and keep her updated!
July 19, 2016:
Saturday teaching was fun. Sunday was eye opening. I realize I have forgotten some things but there is opportunity for practice. It's a good thing you're with Aunt Brenda because we are all busy. Next week Dad starts his job out of town and Evan is going away for a few days so there would be much less fun for you here. He may actually be close to you and might be able to stop in for a visit. I know he would like that because we all miss you but I think he misses you more than he lets on. I'll keep you posted.
Oh, we got an offer on the house tonight. It's ok...not great. We're trying to figure out what to do with it.
Love and miss you,
Hey Mom, good morning!
Yeah Aunt Brenda did the same thing at her vet tech class last March, there is a learning curve for all you teachers! Yup sounds like I am having more fun than you guys are. Aunt Brenda says all that has to happen is let her know so she is here, if you want to come visit me.
Perfect I hope the offer is accepted, thanks. Hummmm have you made a decision yet on excepting the offer? Aunt Brenda says she will put you and your offer in her God Box
I love you too Bill
July 18, 2016:
Good Morning Mom. Aunt Brenda let me have her living room while she went to work this morning. I am really having a good time at camp.
So things are going well showing the house except for my leftover smell? Some humans just do not have a sense of humor about us furry Mustela putorius furo. Their loss!
How did teaching go Saturday?
I love you - Billy
Owner's Response: So glad you're have a good time at camp! We've been busy here with new people coming in and out and trying to sign papers for our new home-you're going to love it! We've been cleaning and rearranging furniture. Found some new stinky spots and washed all your toys so you can come back and make them "ferrity" again. Apparently some people haven't met ferrets because they wanted to know if we had a dog. Ah well.. things are boring here without you but I'm so so glad that you're safe and happy with aunt Brenda!
July 17, 2016:
Holy cow! Aunt Brenda got me up at 3 am...it's still dark outside! Aunt Brenda told me I must tell you that there was poopy in my poop box so that means I am eating. She offered me soup this morning but all I wanted was to get down and go play. She gave me her space first, do you know there are 6 other campers here this week?
I am fine, having fun hanging out with Aunt Brenda she keeps telling me she loves me, I think she means it. I am going to go play now don't worry about me I love being at camp.
I love you
July 16, 2016:
So Mom, do you have any idea how much fun this camp place is? I got to run up and down the tube Aunt Brenda has attached to the stair wall, that takes you up to Aunt Brenda's space. Then when I got tired of the kitchen and Aunt Brenda's space she set me into a room that has a bean dig box, another water fountain and 3 different places I could curl up and go to sleep in.
This place is just way too cool. Aunt Brenda put my stuffy raccoon and the sock in my cage so I had home smells with me when I went to bed. I am going to enjoy camp Mom, don't you worry about a thing...
I love you
Owner's Response: So glad to hear this Bill!! I was just about to call Aunt Brenda to check on you. I'm so glad you're having fun - please know we love and miss you terribly and will see you just as soon as we can! Xoxo mom
July 16, 2016:
So we've talked about this on the phone, but for posterity's sake, I need to write this down so there is an accounting of Miss Suki Bear.
Around June 11-12, 2016 we noticed that Bear had suddenly become a little nippy to her cagemate Bill and her lower belly started to look like it had grown. It was still a bit chilly, so that they both still had a thicker coat wasn't too suprising - but the aggressiveness was. I make an appointment with our Liverpool Village Animal Vets for 6/17. In the short time between discovery and appointment, we realized that Bear was really being mean to Bill and we separated them into two cages. Both seemed to be a bit better, but poor Bill just didn't understand. We increased soup for Bear and gave them both lots of love.
At the appointment, the Vet checked Bear over and found masses in her abdomen. One large one and a number of smaller ones. An xray confirmed the size/location of the larger mass but not exact dimensions. It was also located away from her major organs. The vet then determined it was cancer and that we should make her comfortable. We were quite heartbroken.
Anyhow...the news of cancer was quite a shock so after a few days of contemplation, we called to get her in to Doc Edwards praying that maybe he would give us a different diagnosis. Between his schedule and mine, it was going to be a bit of a wait. We don't live close at all. During the wait, it became evident that Bear was going downhill fast. She stopped eating kibble about 2 weeks later, she started to lose muscle mass quickly and her belly never stopped growing. Over the course of time, it got so large, she had trouble with walking and she would become fatigued very easy. Still being the stubborn little girl that she was, she wanted to climb the 6 stairs, so we would lift up her back end and she would go up them! She wasn't happy with us carrying her around at all. All the while, she would eat still eat soup, so we gave it to her. She continued to decline and when she started to not be able to get out of her own poop and pee we knew that she was suffering. You see, she HATED to get washed up when she was soiled and would struggle and fight. For a stubborn ferret, this was torture. She then stopped eating soup and we made the hard decision to put her to rest with euthanasia.
She was surrounded at all times by love, linatone, and kisses. She went quietly and we can't wait to see her again at the rainbow bridge.
Bear came to us and mended our hearts after a tragic loss of my heart ferret. Her and Bill made it all so much less painful. Also, she was the very softest ferret I have ever met. She had quite a personality (as they all tend to do), and she was one of the stubborn ones. She didn't like being cuddled but would let you know in other ways that she liked you. She would follow us like we were pied pipers with invisible flutes. She was very sweet to my youngest son, which was such a blessing because the previous ferret was mean to everyone but me. He learned thru her that ferrets are fun, playful and so sweet. I think she liked him best. She was a great ferret ambassador!
Bill doesn't quite know what to make of it all. We let him see her after her passing so he wouldn't wonder what happened but I still don't know if he understands. We're keeping him busy with lots of playing, attention, soup and love. He seems to be doing ok but I do catch him wandering all over, almost as if he's looking for her. They were together for all his grown life, so I am sure he's sad. We will continue to keep a watchful eye on him. I will continue to keep you updated on him.
The Ryan family
July 15, 2016:
Roland will be able to get to you around 230 or 3pm on Saturday. Will that work?
Shelter Mum's Response: That will work.. I need something for Bill to sleep in that belongs to whatever human(s) he is closest to. They feel safer if they have their humans smell to sleep in. Brenda
July 14, 2016:
Yes...snif....he's coming on Saturday. I know he'll be in good hands with you but I really really don't want to be without him. And am afraid he won't understand. I'm not abandoning him like his first owner. He's going to have so many changes in such a short time ... he's going to be so confused!
July 13, 2016:
So it seems that some humans don't appreciate what I find comforting - the smell of ferret. It has been suggested that Bill spend some time with you so we can get the house sold. Is there room for my silly boy for a short time? I can't get him out to you until Saturday and it will be Roland and Evan bringing him because I now get to teach this Saturday. That being said, the house has showings today and tomorrow and if it sells then we won't have to displace my fuzzy baby. (Yes, that's pouting coming from me because I don't want Bill away from me). My solace is that he would be in your loving care. Let me know if you have room.
Shelter Mum's Response: Yeah been there done that.. when we are face to face ask me what I did when I thought I was going to have to sell this house. You bet there is! Always for our fur kids that need a place to go for whatever reason. Okay that works. I fully understand. Awe thanks for the vote of confidence. We have room for Bill - just keep me in the loop as to what time.. good luck on your teaching job! Brenda
March 11, 2016:
I am worried about Suki Bear. In the last 4 to 5 days she has become aggressive and mean towards Bill. I am not certain why. She bites his neck when they are at the cage entrance trying to get our attention. I wonder if she doesn't feel well? She's been having dark brown stools that are somewhat dark yellow when cleaned up. She's eating and drinking and takes duk soup twice a day. Let me know your thoughts...
Shelter Mum's Response: I expect it is adrenal disease. I had to have George get an implant because he was beating on his cage mate Fred. You might want to separate them until you can get an implant done. Adrenal disease.. Doc did George's implant here last weekend for us.
Mom's Response: I made an appointment for her. They couldn't make a Saturday appointment as they are first come first served, so I will drive out next Saturday and try to get in. In the meanwhile, I have separated them and they both seem less stressed.
They confirmed doc will be there on Saturday. I dropped your name but it didn't seem to make a difference - maybe you have preferential treatment?
March 12, 2016:
Captured nice pictures today
February 29, 2016:
Roland has been with her all day and she is eating and pooping. No bloody stools.
February 28, 2016:
So a few minutes ago Suki did this on the carpet. Its mucous-y, bloody and streaked with blood and very watery. I didn't see her do it so can say if it was pee or poop. My suspicion is pee. Her belly feels hotter to me than Bills. She's eating and drinking and playing (actually quite feisty) normally. I am not quite sure what to make of it. Concerned she has a urinary infection.
Shelter Response: Defiantly capillary blood.. keep a close eye on her to see if you can see if she is peeing that or poo that. It looks like poo end to me but we need to know for sure if we can find that out. What was her temp?
Mom's Response: Temp was 101.6. Watching her. I will keep you updated. She's sleeping so I waiting for her to wake up and do her business.
Shelter Response: Perfect then we probably do not have a UTI the temp is not elevated..
Mom's Response: She pooped and it was mostly regular but a little loose. Additionally, what do you use for ear mites and how often? I just treated them and they have them again.
Shelter Response: We use Revolution.
January 16, 2016:
Just a little morning grooming going on. Bill often sits on his bum with feet out to groom them. He's so silly!
January 15, 2016:
Sleepy Suki Bear. I snapped a shot of Lil miss just after she woke up. Her whiskers look like horns! The horns suit her from time to time - Lol. She's the softest ferret we've ever had and has a sweet disposition most of the time :)
February 8, 2015:
He is back to his usual self. Guess I was being a bit paranoid, but I am ok with it. Better to be ahead if things than behind.
February 8, 2015:
Billy had an episode of vomiting last night. It was at least 5 times. Looked to be just food particles and he seemed fatigued after.
He has since eaten 2x and drank 3x. I would have written earlier but I slept downstairs to be near him & just woke up. I also realized that I can't find your phone number.
I called Cornell last night and they said it was too soon to think it was an obstruction and I decided to watch him at home. He seems fine today. It just scared me terrible because of what happened to Naughty. Any thoughts?
Shelter Mum's response: We are fatigued when we upchuck, so that is common and okay I am pleased to hear he is eating again.
Please watch his poo...what goes in must come out. Once you see a poo I would like you to call me so we can discuss it.
Let's talk about that once you see his poo...
PM Update: He has peed & pooped twice, it looks a lot like his usual poops. I've tried to call a few times but your phone is busy. Not sure if it's accidently off the hook or if you're talking on it. I will keep trying.
December 24, 2014:
Cute and adorable Christmas ferrets - Bear and Suki Ryan
October 29, 2014:
So I took the kids for their vet appointment today because their last shots were around this time last year. The history indicated they got their shots ok, so we did them this year. Within an hour I was rushing Suki back to the vet due to allergic reaction symptoms. Severe coughing, dry heaves, hives & itching. I had seen it before in Naughty so I knew what what going on. She got prednisone, benadryl and some fluids. She's doing fine now but we are keeping a close eye. Scary but it all turned out ok.
October 27, 2014:
Holding still for a portrait! Who da thunk?
October 17, 2014:
We have found that Suki has a love of plastic bottle caps. She has a stash of them. She also pushes them all over the floor with her nose and then runs off to her treasure spot...she is so very funny!
September 19, 2014:
Suki Bear loves her ice cubes! We've taken to call her Bear & she responds to it. Evan started it and it just has stuck. They are curious as expected and follow us all over. I think bear has put on some weight but not too much. They both seem to have settled in well.
Whatcha doin Sis? Billy is investigating Suki' s love of ice cubes. She very often will dive for one then carry it off for safe keeping. So funny!
August 30, 2014:
They are just too funny!!
August 25, 2014:
Billy and Sukie are happy in their new home. Here are some pictures that their new Mom sent us.
August 13, 2014:
Fur babies seem to be settling in great. As expected, they are nosy and fun, playing with ice cubes and water. They are eating good and we are all becoming acquainted. The boys are having a ton of fun watching them. Evan especially lives that they like him and I see the old fear melting away - it's a blessing. As much as I loved Naughty, she was quite mean to Evan and all he wanted to do was love her. Billy and Suki are good to Ev!
August 12, 2014:
Rosanne was ready to be a Mom again, she came back to see us again and she said she would take us home and love on us. So Mum packed up all the things she brought for the shelter kids back up and then some and sent us on our way. Thanks for loving me until I found a new 4-ever home.
August 11, 2014:
An email from Rosanne that she would be stopping by with all her ferret stuff for us. Only Rosanne brought her son and her best friend and her son so we had a house full. Rosanne thought she was done with ferrets, Billy and Suki were bent on changing her mind. She is headed for home today - Liverpool - I told her if she changed her mind she could stop by to pick the kids up. I am not sure what she is going to do at this point.
August 8, 2014:
Trying to get in touch with Brenda. I just found my ferret on the bottom of the cage, she's ill (I think) and my emergency vet isn't familiar with ferrets. Brenda-if you see this can you call me? Thanks!
2nd email, Rosanne wrote: She is slightly more active than when I found her. she still isn't eating. When I first found her she took some soup but has refused it since. The drooling has slowed too.
August 9, 2014:
Response from Shelter Mum: I found the message when I got up, I called her at 4 this morning. The little one was getting worse so they called Cornell. Cornell put her down.
Rosanne's email: When you called I was driving home from Cornell. We eventually did sleep. Just waking up now.
I have some soup, soup ingredients, food & litter that I don't want to go to waste. I am going to be in Prattsburgh tomorrow and could drop it by if you'd like me to?
Response from Shelter Mum:Oh okay I am glad to know I did not wake you. We would be honored to take them off your hands, thank you. That would be awesome I am going to be here all day...would love to have you drop by.
July 04, 2014:
From Billy's far away Mom: Dear Billy I am so happy to have you in my life. I will send u a picture of me on next Thursday when the who makes mom look nice. I'm so happy you have mum to take care of you and you'll have a much needed bunches of kisses. Mum is there anything they could use.
Surrender Day:
The two new kids are here, a boy and girl..I got the new kids cage set up, cards on the cage, they are weighed in and paper work complete and filed. Billy and Suki seem to be well adjusted and happy so time will tell if they settle in without issues or they crash on us after a couple of days. Billy and Suki were out and about for about 3 hours, I tucked them away in their cage around 3; the first thing Billy did was grab some of his food. That means I am going to have to move a dish of that food with them when I move them from room to room.
Initial contact, June 3, 2014:
My fiancé and I have 2 wonderful, healthy ferrets that we love very much. 3.5 year old female Suki and 2.5 year old male Bill. We are expecting our first child in 4 weeks and as much as I don't want to give up my fur babies I also want to do what is best for them. With everything going on we know we may not be able to provide them with the love and attention they need. I am very set on them being hopefully adpoted together since they have only known each other and going to a no kill shelter. Your place is the only place that keeps getting refered to check to see if you have room for them.
Thank you,
Nichole S
June 4, 2014, Shelter Response:
We have an opening at this time, where are you located? This link will explain all that is required to surrender your ferrets to us. The ferrets must be current on vaccines with documentation. Our web link includes two ferret knowledgeable veterinarians available to get this done if you do not have a veterinarian of your own.
Current means 6 months or longer before the ferrets need to be vaccinated again. As the web site states everything that belongs to the ferrets comes with them up to and including the cage.
We do not separate cage mates so it is imperative that if you decide you are surrendering your ferrets to this facility you keep us informed so we keep an appropriate opening for you. We work on a first come first serve basis.
My work schedule varies on a day to day basis so we need to determine a time that fits both your and my schedule. Surrenders generally take 45 min to and hour to complete.
I look forward to hearing from you.
June 5, 2014, Owner Response:
That's great to hear. I'm located in Henrietta. They were just vaccinated last fall. I have the paper work for that. I have no issue with bringing the cage. We just bought new food and bedding as well. We also have a carrier and play pen as well. Currently I have Sunday and Mondays off from work but will hopefully going out of work soon! I don't go into work until 2:15 Tuesday- Saturday so if one of those days works better I can always do morning's.
Thanks you so much I look forward to hearing back from you.
June 6, 2014, Shelter Response:
Good morning, my off site work schedule is Monday through Friday so Sunday works best for us. During the week we need to plug you in between my in and out. I drive school bus. Let me know.
June 7, 2014, Owner Response:
Okay this Sunday (6/8/2014) is a little hectic. Would next Sunday be okay I know its father's day if not let me know which Sunday works best. I know this might be a strange question but I would be driving out there to the ferret farm or how does that work?
June 8, 2014, Shelter Response:
Good Morning Nichole,
Sunday the 15th does not work for us can we move it to the following Sunday? The 22nd? I need conformation so I do not schedule anything else in that day.
I guess I do not understand your question. Do you need directions? Do you want to know what happens when you surrender? We do not pick up surrenders if that is the question, we required them to be brought directly to the shelter with all that belongs to them, you will be required to fill out a surrender form for both ferrets. If their medical documentation is not with them when they arrive they will not be allowed to stay. A bit more information on your question would be helpful.
June 10, 2014, Owner Response:
We can hopefully make it June 22nd (I say hopefully only because I'll be almost 39 weeks pregnant). You answered my question perfectly.
I will need directions too.
What time works best that day? I'm free all day.
June 11, 2014, Shelter Response:
Good morning Nichole. Good I am pleased.
From Henrietta, take 15 A south left onto 20 A east right onto West lake road (co rd 36) south to end left onto route 21 though the village of Naples. When you see the army tank on the right side of the road (VFW) we will be 1/4 mile further on the right.
Come down the driveway between the barn and the house. How about noon - that is between shift change.
June 11, 2014, Owner Response:
Hi Brenda,
Sounds perfect! I will definitely let you know if anything changes. July 22nd at noon see you then!
June 17, 2014, Owner Response:
Hi Brenda,
The ferrets were last vaccinated November 2013. I called my vet and was told that they should not be vaccinated more than once a year and are considered up to date. Let me know of you have questions or you can call Cats and Critters at 585-442-4373.
June 17, 2014, Shelter Response:
Nichole I agree 100% with your vet about vaccines only being done once a year... As long as you have the documentation with dates of vaccines proving they were done when you get here we are good to go. Cats and Critters is not going to discuss your medical information with us.
June 18, 2014, Owner Response:
Thanks Brenda I must have misunderstood I thought if their vaccination were due within 6months you wanted them redone.
June 18, 2014, Shelter Response:
They are good - just bring the documentation with them, and everything that belongs to them please.
June 21, 2014, Shelter Response:
Nichole I am touching base to make sure we are still on for tomorrow at noon. Please confirm.
June 22, 2014, Owner Response:
Hi Brenda
Sorry I just got this now. But yes still on for today. I'll be there by noon.