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Braveheart & Hope
• Surrendered to the Shelter January 6, 2010. |
August 15, 2011:
Braveheart has joined his precious Hope at Rainbow Bride. Fly high brave boy. Mommy loves and misses you.
February 21, 2011:
Braveheart is feeling better. Still no really formed poopies, but he is more enthusiastic and interactive. His little internal tummy clock tells him when to start looking for his soup and he follows me around the kitchen while he waits for it to warm.
November 4, 2010:
As you saw yesterday, everyone is healthy and happy (except for Sunny). Braveheart - April - along with Jr.- Dixie - all had check ups with Doc last week. All got a clean bill of health. Braveheart is up to 2lbs 12ozs and is growing a beautiful winter coat. He's very happy to be part of the group.
July 24, 2010:
Braveheart has moved into the "guy cave". That's the blue cage where Junior, Sunny, Beamer, Petey & Preston live. He is being well accepted as part of the group.
May 5, 2010:
Braveheart has found a forever home in Spencerport, NY!
February 5, 2010:
Jackie R. brought Hope home this morning, without the 8 oz of fluid she took into the hospital with her. She is on Lasix .25 ml 2 times a day; hopefully she will now get some quality of life and be able to be happy. When she got home she ran around the house looking in every corner making sure all was the same as it was when she left for the hospital.
February 2, 2010:
Monday night I was not encouraged about Hope’s progress or lack thereof after talking with Doc, However my Tuesday morning check-up call I was told more of the fluid in her tummy has dissipated; her tummy is not as distended, Hope is eating and drinking, and she is no longer crying in discomfort. They are going to keep her another day.
Doc took some fluid off by draining, and the meds seem to have helped but Doc was not so sure she was going to improve, he was trying to tell me not to get my hopes up, but maybe she will after all. Doc is going to keep her another day at least.
February 1, 2010:
Hi, I just got off the phone with Brockport, Hope is still full of fluid so they are going to continue the Lasix, I am to call again later today. Thanks again for all you do for us. - Brenda
I was happy to help yesterday. Hope was great in the car for the whole trip and was standing up outside of her bed when we went inside to see Mary. It was good to see Hope standing and looking around. I will be thinking of you both today. ~Mindy
January 26, 2010:
The 2 new kids that came in; Hope and Braveheart are out of the sick pen and quarantine. I have them in a cage (no levels) in the room new kids go to first.
They are now being allowed to go to play areas but again I am keeping them in the rooms that have nothing to climb up into or on. This morning I put them in the library and little Hope was running around talking up a storm checking out all the different hiding places that are at her disposal. Oh my she and Braveheart are happy, gaining weight, looking brighter and seem to be settling in well.
Her incision is healing well, it is going to be a challenge getting the stitches out, there are a lot of them. They do not come out until the 4th of Feb so about the first I will start getting some ferretone on them so she can lick the scabs off so it does not hurt when I pull them.
January 22, 2010:
As it stands right now Stephanie is going to pick Hope up from the hospital at 1 PM. Stephanie, Tom and Alex are going to meet me in Avon with Hope after I get out of work tonight. I have called the hospital; I told Mary you are picking her up and when.
Thank you all for your help and support. Donna, I opted to do it this way because she does not have any soup at your house. We may want to fix that so if we ever need to do this again you have some on hand.
Let me know if this is a problem for anyone. Thanks again.
January 21, 2010:
I just got off the phone with Brockport Hospital. Hope came through surgery like a champ.
The cyst was full of mommy’s milk, a symptom of her advanced adrenal disease. Her little body thought she was pregnant; I am not at all sure why it was in cyst form and not in her little teats but that is where it materialized.
Doc said he does not believe she will have any more issues with the cyst, there was a mass/tumor on her right front toe that was all the way into the bone so he removed her little toe while she was under.
I was told she is already up and moving around eating. If she continues to do so she can probably come home.
Donna is coming down Sunday so maybe if someone can get Hope to Donna she can stay with Donna until Sunday when she comes down. (If that is okay with Donna) I would like to get her out of the hospital before the weekend so she does not have to spend time there all weekend. I was told to call after 9 am to see if she can come home.
Thanks so much you guys for your prayers and all you do to help me with these kids
Donna met up with me last night in Avon; she has Hope in her care and will be dropping her off to Doc this morning. I would like each of you to say a little prayer for her. Hope’s belly felt full, and she acted as though she was uncomfortable. I hope Doc can give her a chance to have some quality time with me before she has to leave for the bridge. Thanks everyone for helping me take care of these kids. Each of you is a blessing to me and all the kids that live here. I will keep you posted on when she can leave the hospital.
January 19, 2010:
I can meet you Wednesday night in Avon, and then get Hope to Brockport at 8 am Thursday. -Donna
January 18, 2010:
The new little Hope needs to go back to Doc for surgery on Thursday January 21. I can meet someone with Hope Wed. evening after I am out of work in Avon if you can keep her over night to get her to Doc at the latest 10 am Thursday morning. The cyst that receded shortly after she got here; has started filling up again. It is now large enough that it is dragging on the floor and causing her irritation.
Doc and I have decided it needs to be removed before she ends up with an infection. I need some assistance in getting her there by Thursday morning. I can meet someone in Avon after work if that works better for someone. Thanks in advance for your consideration. Please reply to all so we can all know what is going on.
Brenda and Hope
January 11, 2010:
Hope has seen our favorite Doc; we hope she will respond well to the deslorelin-acetate-implants. She was not a good surgical candidate, the adrenal disease was not dealt with in a timely manner so between Doc and I decided to try this and see if we can give her some quality of life.
January 7, 2010 :
I just took them in about a week ago and they came from the Sodus area this girl and her boyfriend were leaving them outside in the cold not feeding anything but junk. I heard about it and was told to just email her and speak to her when I did this is when I found out through some prying from this young girl who was desperate for money, that they were outside she said a vet said that one was pregnant and she had a woman who said that she would buy the pregnant one so I immediately took that as a red flag thinking someone wanted to just make a dollar off of an animal so I got the girl to wait and when I saw them I was sick and I not knowing ferrets but knowing animals well did not think that ball was pregnancy at all but a possible tumor not being sure and feeling sick I asked her
if she wanted me to take them after her hesitation on the vets name in Sodus who saw the ferret as no vet could ever be that ridiculous or maybe I am wrong but anyway the would not just give them to me so I took what I had in my purse and offered her it to save them I immediately bought a small container of what I thought was good food that Marshalls premium and also they really wanted some steamed veggies I was eating so they got a few I fed them as much as they could eat they were so hungry so in my opinion until I fed them they were not eating much at all. I bathed them both and carefully took the fleas off also they were really good about that even the poor little one with that growth. I guess I just don’t know enough about ferrets so I did not know who else to call other than you since
you are so good with them. If I can offer any other help email me and I will do what I can. Thank you for helping them you will be rewarded above and beyond that normal feeling of being rewarded with that feeling in your heart and soul when you help an animal that I am sure you to are familiar with I know that I slept so much better after I knew they were in a house and bathed and now knowing they are with someone who is as educated as you are is even more of a relief.
January 6, 2010:
Brenda, I spoke to my employers and I can leave to bring the ferrets to either Stanley are the post office that's a good place right on 245 or I can meet someone on 5&20 between Geneva and Canandaigua today or anytime tonight let me know.
January 5, 2010:
I tried to call a couple of times to speak with you about two ferrets that I am trying to help out. They really are sweet and one is in need of medical attention I believe. I am no longer in Naples and my life does not allow me to have them here but I am desperately trying to help them out before they end up dead. I know that you are very busy and most likely won’t have room for them but can you lead me towards someone who would. I left my cell number with you on your message machine it is if you have any ideas for these guys.