Educational Outreach On this page you will get to see the places we have visited, the children we have taught, and the presentations our ambassador children have done themselves. We enjoy sharing our fur kids, our experiences, and our knowledge of ferrets with others. |
Many times we get asked if we visit and/or do presentations for organizations, we do! We know that part of changing society’s throw away mind set is education. Shelters all over the country are full of throw away fur kids. The Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue/Shelter, Inc. staff and volunteers take every opportunity to help educate folks about ferrets and the responsibility that comes with owning a pet of any kind. When we are contacted to participate in functions and adoption days, or to make presentations and visits, we gladly accept that invitation to join with our ferrets and educational handouts. If you would like us to visit your business, classroom, social service group, or adult home you may contact us at ferretfarm@frontiernet.net or 585-374-8393 during business hours.
Here are just a few places we have visited:
- School classrooms
- Assisted living homes
- Naples Activity Center (NAC)
- Adoption days at various stores and parks
2023 Events
2022 Events
2019 Events
March 27, 2019 - Genesee Community College(GCC)
GCC class visit Mum, Miss Tori, Doc Charlie and 9 ferrets went to Genesee Community College for the day; to teach the Vet Tech students about ferrets and give them some hands on experience. Mum took 5 of us that are medically compromised and Doc Charlie brought his 4 boys that aren't. The purpose of the class presentations are to show and teach some of the medical issues the vet techs are going to see when they get into the veterinarian clinic setting. Miss Donna D. spent the day here with us keeping things running while Mum was gone.
2018 Events
July 9, 2018 - Business Education Alliance (BEA) and BOCES Vet Summer Camp
Cooper, Reggie, Ruby and Star
April 28, 2018 - Tails on Trails
Supporting Happy Tails.
February 28, 2018 - Genesee Community College(GCC)
Hello cyber friends and shelter supporters,
Mum has allowed me into the picture files so I can share all the pictures that were taken in class at Genesee Community College (GCC) February 28, 2018.
We fur kids have a great time going to see the vet tech students. The students love on us all day long, but I didn't get to go. All this news is second hand from Wilson, Pheona, Razzle, Dazzle and Bain they were the ones that went, Silky went too but he has recently gone to Rainbow Bridge so he couldn't pass on any information to me. Then Doc Charlie brought 3 of his fur kids to let the students check them out too, Doc Charlie's fur kids are previous shelter kids from here.
We are so lucky to have the opportunity to help teach new students what we ferrets are all about. Sometimes there are students that have never touched a ferret, I can't imagine that! Mum says that, that is the truth of such things.
The students are fun to hang with, eager to learn how to care for us and what needs to be asked in a veterinarian clinic setting. Mum and Doc Charlie explained to the students that they are the first line of defense for us fur kids between the owner and the veterinarian. The students ask basic questions to get the basic answers. Mum calls it primary assessment. The primary assessment evaluates if the ferret is emergent or non-emergent and provides a chance to treat life-threatening conditions. Such questions as, have you changed the kind of food you feed? Have you gotten a new ferret, new other pet, or a new baby in the family? Has your work schedule changed? These questions rule out little things so the veterinarian can focus in on what may be a serious medical problem.
I hope you enjoy the pictures, it's time for me to bounce.
2017 Events
June 7, 2017 - Finger Lakes Technical
Hey cyber friends and shelter supporters look what Mum was up to yesterday. She and Master Daniel spent the day at the Finger Lakes Technical, Animal Science class yesterday.
Mum let Daniel do the morning presentation with her help when he got stuck. This was the first class presentation Daniel has gone to, Mum did not tell him she was going to have him do the morning presentation until she told the class. The morning class is made up of seniors, a small class this day because many of the schools had their senior trip, or senior picnic. It was a perfect size class for Daniel to learn on.
Mum took the Long Island crew this year, she had forgotten she took them last year until one of the students said "oh Tiny Tim" The senior class had seen them at last year's presentation.
One of the students took a picture of the ball python Noah was holding for Mum. Mum is not fond of snakes, she will not hurt them but she will not get close to them either.
Miss Ili came to take care of us at the shelter while Mum was gone. Thanks Miss Ili for helpen Mum take care of us. We hope you enjoy the pictures.
April 29, 2017 - Tails on Trails
Mum packed up M and M because the fund raiser was for the Ontario County Humane Society. They are the ones that saved me and M and M. We were asked to participate this year, Mum said she felt it was important for us to help support the event, because of all they do to help us. Because M and M were saved this year Mum thought it was best to take them to show just how well they were after being dumped in a dumpster and saved by Ontario County Humane Society (Happy Tails). The animal Science Class hosts this event on every year, this was our first year to be invited to participate.
Mum packed the van, picked up Miss Ili B. and headed to the Finger Lakes Technical Center where the event was being held. Miss Tina B. met us there. Mum helped get things out of the van, while Miss Ili and Miss Tina set things up. They stayed for the day, Mum came home to take care of us.
March 2, 2017 - Genesee College
We had two great classes very engaging and fun to work with. There was a new instructor for the class - Dani - awesome person knows a ton about ferrets. It was fun to have her there we worked off each other. I would explain a medical problem we've had Dani would put it into medical terms. It was a great day. The picture of the van packed. There are 2 more carriers in front of the two in the picture. Once I got the kids in them I put the pens down on the floor in front of the carriers secured them so they would not flop around. Donna and I pulled kids out of them when I got home. I will have to unpack today I only took out what we needed leaving the rest for today.
The pens I took were not the ones I should have taken, I saw the Velcro zip ties in the bags when I was packing but could not find them when I got there. We made it work but it was not what I had hoped for. Jax was a very well behaved little man. I thought he was going to give us a run for our money but he did not. I took Bonnie and Clyde because Clyde needs soup and meds in the middle of the day, I took the meds forgot the soup.
2016 Events
2015 Events
October 30, 2015 - Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES
Mum took the Long Island kids and Sho to the Animal Science class at Wayne Finger Lakes BOCES. One of our volunteer KC was required to do a presentation on an emergency issue. She could choose any animal and any emergency. Miss KC chose ferrets and Insulinoma crash.
Mum brought the props for the presentation. Miss KC got a 97 on her presentation. We are so proud of her! Here are some pictures Mum took.
May 8, 2015 - Career Day
Our career day was a great success...IMHO. Camera is still in the van. I pulled kids got them in the house, put morning shift kids that were still up away. 57 - 2 legged furless kids came through to see us. We had the science room, we even got the teacher that uses that room, so he set up our web page on the screen and we scrolled through our web site. I need to learn how to do a power point because there were questions asked that I know I could have shown on the screen but could not find it.
The room was very warm so the ferrets were a bit subdued until I took them to the sink to wet them down, they gave the students a good show dancing and crawling under the blankets to dry off. Dazzle is not a good ambassador, Razzle was great. Ili did a lot of passing Dazzle around so she did not nibble on the students. One of the girls got a pretty good nip right off the bat.
March 1 & 3, 2015 - Genesee College
The Lakeroad shelter staff and ferrets were invited back to the Genesee College Vet Tech class to give the students an opportunity to touch and work with ferrets. We were there on March 1 and March 3, 2015. There were many students that had never touched a ferret so it was fun to see the reactions. We try to teach the basics that they will need in their vet tech careers. We had three volunteers with us to help us accomplish this. Miss Brie, Miss Tori and Miss K.C. came with us this year. We took 7 ferrets with us on both Monday and Wednesday. 2 business on Monday 3 on Wednesday.
The Freshman class donated $123.00 and the Vet Tech Club had a food drive for us. We brought home 112 pounds of food for our storage bins. This is our third year to join the class to help teach them about ferrets and what they can expect when they are working behind the scenes in whatever clinic/hospital they chose.
Here are some pictures we took during the classes, it is fun for both us and the students to spend time handling and learning what they can expect from ferrets.
2014 Events
December 14, 2014 - Petco in Auburn
Ok, this picture is from Petco today, of one of the participants. This is Alice the Tigress. If you look closely you can see the little fangs that she likes to use when not getting her way when trying to escape. We still love her. One of the times last Spring she really gave Marcia quite the nip on the neck! Moderate number of people, many just about the time we were getting ready to leave.
December 6, 2014 - Petco in Canandaigua
Shelter Mum, Miss Ili and Miss KC set up at Canandaigua Petco to help educate the public about ferrets. Max and Princess went with them to help.
October 26, 2014 - Petco in Mattydale
Volunteers Charlie, Reilly and Patty spent the day educating the public about ferrets.
September 27, 2014 - Petco in Canandaigua
Wilson and Pheona did very well spending the day with us at Petco, Wilson better than Pheona. I did not do a good job packing the van we were missing lots of stuff… Thankfully Ili drove herself so she went home to get the event Bag Patty put together for us and food and water dishes that I did not have with us. Thank you Patty for saving our butts, thank you Ili for going home to get the things we needed .. Wilson is a camera hound, when he sees the camera he stops to pose.
May 24, 2014 - Petco in Canandaigua
Petco set up was a nice quiet day; we met a few folks a couple looking to volunteer. Miss Ili, Miss Donna and Miss Carolyn joined Anastasia in Canandaigua. Mum was behind the camera.
April 26, 2014 - Petco in Auburn
Our volunteers Mr. Charlie, Master Reilly, and Miss Marcia set up at Auburn Petco on April 26th. Our own Mr. Pete B. stopped by to say hi and hang out with us with his fur kid Bear. Thanks for all you do to help us educate the public about ferrets.
March 3 & 5 - Genesee Community College Vet Tech Program
We covered some things that I thought were important in the life of a vet tech. They are the front line to ferrets coming in before the vet see's them. Then we got at the down and dirty of holding and getting to know ferrets.
This class was the best yet, they had the most amazing questions. Dr. Carry asked if the students could do exams on the ferrets, including temperature. They got to palpate, check heart rates, respiration, and take temps. They discovered how incredibly useful ferretone is to keep them somewhat still. There were a few things I showed them how to do from watching Dr. Edwards all these years.
The boys and Snowy where awesome with all the handling. Kiwi was okay, Tori spent a lot of time with her, we put Miku back in her carrier; she was so stressed that she was biting nonstop! She drew blood on me so to help her settle down and feel safe we put her back.
We will not take her and Kiwi again. No one got hurt but I was more concerned for her stress level than the humans being bitten. We had one student that has had ferrets in her life from time to time, as you can see in the picture the students seemed to enjoy handling the ferrets and spending time with them.
All in all I am thrilled with the experience and honored that Dr. Carry asked us to come back this year.
February 23, 2014 - Petco in Canandaigua
Man! What a time we had!
First of no table of our own, no chairs of our own, no signs, no paperwork, no flyers, no cards, DVDs and ferret pictures though! Yes, plenty of those and ferrets! I pulled a few ferret items off the Petco shelves and filled out the table so we did not look so empty.
I got to the store first and spoke with Amy about getting us a set of chairs and a table. It was a LOOONNNGGG table as you can see from the picture. Once Charlie and Reilly got their, I offered to head next door to Party City and get us at least a table cloth but Charlie seemed to think that we were fine just as we were. So we got the pen setup, populated with Keenan ferrets and we were off to the races.
I got "The Magic Ferret" playing and Reilly was very happy to see that. The Keenan family has not yet watched the whole film. We did not sell any DVDs and only one person looked through the binder. Most anyone who stopped at our set up was interested in seeing the ferrets. A couple of teenaged girls stopped by and they were making comments and comparison of each of the Keenan kids and at last they hooked a Petco store person, pointed to Fred and said "We'll take that one!" The salesgirl had to very quickly explain that the ferrets in the pen were already owned and weren't for sale. Then she directed them to the glass cage behind them and said that ferret was for sale. Well that ferret wasn't Fred so they lost interest.
Petco did have one ferret for sale. It was a return from someone who brought him back saying he was biting. Amy said they the store DID inform the buyer that ferrets are known to bite and they got an indication from the buyer that they understood this. Apparently Junior's biting was a little too aggressive for them. Well, I can at least say I'm glad they brought the ferret back to the store instead of driving him out to the boonies and just dumping him.
The price of the ferret was $149.99 and, as I said to you earlier, tempting as it was to give Junior a good home, I could not buy him but I found myself wondering if the store would let us rent him for about an hour or two as Junior clearly wanted to get out and play. At about 1:30 Charlie brought up the idea of asking Amy if perhaps Junior could be taken out of his cage and we could bring him over behind there table where there was lots of room. To my surprise, she said OK.
I asked what the ferret’s name was and Amy said he didn't have a name. When she reached into the cage to get him, she said "C'mere you little munchkin!" I thought 'Munchkin! OK! That's a good name for now.' And that's what we called him the whole time (30 minutes) we played with him. Amy thought it was cute the way Munchkin kept arching his back and I told her that's because he was doing the happy dance. He was so happy to be outside and playing with people.
In conclusion, yes, Charlie, Reilly, and I were missing some important elements of Community Outreach, but we had real ferrets (who behaved magnificently, I will add) for people to pick-up, pet, snuggle, get to know (Charlie is a fantastic ferret educator!) and that is what the outreach was all about. The whole event carried over very well, in my humble opinion.
We had a ball, Brenda! I am very glad you invited me.
Mary Ellen
February 8, 2014 - Petco in Canandaigua
It was a good day, the store was slow but we had quite a few stop by to see the boys. Carolyn and her dad were there when I pulled up to the store, they helped unpack the van and get us set up in the store. We took Bandit and Gambit with us again today. Ashley (the store worker that called us in December) was so thrilled to see them and how well they are doing. She kept saying Gambit was a chunky monkey.
The staff were all very kind and helpful. Carolyn was great, she and I got to hold the kits the store had, I cut their nails. Ashley said one of the little ones always bites her. I watched when she put her hand in the enclosure he did lunge at her but in play. I told her the kits are teething so they are going to want to chew or bite what they can. There is nothing in the enclosure they keep them in for them to chew on. Carolyn's mom and dad saved my bacon by bringing me a cup of coffee, then helped us tear down and pack the van to go home. It is evident why Carolyn is such a treasure she has parent that are treasures so she has learned from the best.
These are the pictures I took, the sign they had for us sat on top of the ferret enclosure the kits were in.
January 18, 2014 - Petco in Canandaigua
Ashley is the young lady that called us about Bandit and Gambit. They were so excited to know we brought them with us today. The black and white flyers with ferret picture you see on the table were printed up by Petco mgr with our shelter date and time we were going to be there.
January 12, 2014 - Petco in Auburn
It went well. Charlie and I thought traffic was a bit down. Could be because the holidays are over. Handed out a few Shelter business cards and one women dropped a $5 gift card to Petco in the donation box. Will give to you when I come next.
Took a few pictures and will forward those.
Got my ferret fix for a bit playing with Charlie and Reilly's adorable group.
As Marcia said, it was a little slower. But, had some good conversations and introductions, made some kids and a Down’s syndrome man feel good with some Ferret interactions.
We did have one little Ferret who was not the happiest about being penned up (after she had a little run around and wild dancing when on the lamb!). Alice has been in a nipping mood of late, and unfortunately, she really got a hold on Marcia’s neck. Sorry Marcia, but that little stinker were showing her dissatisfaction. I am including pictures, there will be a total of 3, but will come in 3 different emails.
View events from 2013 and past at our photo album.